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18th September 2021

An absolute professional and pleasure to deal with. Explains things clearly, personable, deep expertise and capability all the while humble. One of Europe's top orthopaedic surgeons (specialising in hips/knees).

Written by a private patient at London Bridge Hospital
13th September 2021

I had an urgent issue with my hip and came to Mr Shah after another surgeon passed. From first consultation to operation took a week. Wound healed quickly allowing me too start chemo 3 weeks later. Mr Shah fully understood and responded to my situation. Can't compliment him enough.

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
2nd September 2021

Mr Shah took the time to listen to my symptoms. He went through all my options clearly. Once we'd decided a hip replacement would be the best action he went through the operation and recovery process with great care. There was a short wait of 3 months for the operation which was then done quickly and successfully. Recovery was as predicted and i am now 1 year on. I can do everything now with no pain. I have been discharged now from Mr Shah's care with clear expectations of the life span of my new hip and informed what to expect with my other hip. Hopefully i won't need to a replacement on the other hip but if i do i hope i'll get to see Mr Shah again.

20th August 2021

Mr Shah listens to you and explains your symptoms and results in such a way that you understand without any worry.

12th August 2021

I saw this consultant for arthritis in my knee. Straight from the start he listened to my problems and clearly told me how he was going to solve these. He was very open and suggested i was a candidate for a partial knee operation but on performing the surgery if the other side didn't look as good as the xrays suggested he would give me a full knee replacement. in fact he always explained the pros and cons of the procedures and this honesty made me trust him. On the day of the surgery i was fully explained what was going to happen and asked if i had any concerns. 3 weeks after the surgery which went very well i am walking without a crutch and taking little or no pain relief which is the first time in a long while. If i need another similar procedure i wouldn't hesitate in seeing if Mr Shah could perform it.


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