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Written by a patient
24th September 2014

After suffering severe pain to my right knee for over two and a half years, pain killers & the "knee pathway" I'd had enough and asked for referral to Guy's & St Thomas' hospital and an appointment was made with Mr Shah. What a great appointment, I was X rayed that same afternoon, knees and hips and within an hour or so back in consultation with Mr Shah who confirmed with the aid of X rays that I had quite a degenerative arthritic right hip. After further CT and MRI scans to identify the exact state of my hips and lower back and another appointment with Mr Shah it was agreed that I have a Right Total Hip replacement which he explained fully by use of the the X rays etc and examples of the prothesis. On operation day the whole process from arrival through anaesthetist / operation / recovery was excellent. then transferred to "Queens' Ward" where the care by nurses and physiotherapists was exemplary, everyone very caring, understanding and helpful. Post op 6 weeks I was walking 3-4 miles with no pain and using a stick for reassurance only. Absolutely fantastic. Thank you Mr Shah and everyone at Guy's & St Thomas' who saw me through.
