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Written by a NHS patient
28th February 2023

Having read some of the other reviews, I do not think there is much I can add! I have been fortunate to have seen Mr Ellis on a number of occasions for various knee complaints on both knees, the last of which was just two weeks ago. Mr Ellis has a unique way of ensuring you feel safe and secure with whatever treatment or situation you might be in. As an in patient, out patient, or about to go under the knife, his calm and gentle manner allays all nerves ! Mr Ellis takes time to listen and explain and always goes that extra mile to ensure you feel you are in safe hands. A few years ago I had an fall which resulted in a totally messed up knee. The following day my daughter who lives in South Africa had an accident which resulted in her being admitted to ICU. Due to my injuries I was not able to fly to be with her. I saw Mr Ellis and I'll never forget the matter of fact and calm way he said to me. "You need to be with your daughter and it's my job to make sure you're fit enough to make that happen, so let's do this" He did indeed make that happen and although not able to fly immediately, Mr Ellis ensured everything was done in order to expedite what was medically required in order to pass the necessary fitness level to obtain my Fit to Fly Certificate and be with my daughter. I'll be forever grateful to Mr Ellis for that.
