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Written by a patient at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
20th July 2018

Mr Jaunoo is a true gentleman. He quickly diagnosed that I had cancer of the stomach / oesophagus. He took the time to explain to myself and my wife the complexities of what was involved in a manner which was easily understood and with compassion but also making us aware that this was major life changing surgery and at the same time giving us hope that I could get through this period of my life. He followed my progress through Chemotherapy, various CT scans and endoscopies even ensuring that he carried out the final endoscopy himself. I had Oesophageal / Gastric surgery on the 19th June 2018 and he has been very supportive since. His bedside manner is impeccable and he makes you feel like you are someone and not just a name on a hospital list. Despite having a large scar ( it looked like I had been auditioning for Jaws), the wound is starting to heal and is very neat. A massive THANKYOU to Mr Jaunoo, a first class consultant and his team for their excellent help and advice but also the excellent NHS which came into being shortly before my birth.

Written by a patient at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
11th June 2018

Following 2 bouts of pancreatitus to only be put onto an extensive waiting list to have my gall bladder removed, Dr jaunoo listened to my distresses and concerns of waiting for the surgery after being so unwell. Dr Jaunoo ensured I understood the the pros and risks of the surgery, took the time to explain the procedure, was incredibly respectful and approachable. After having my son 12 weeks ago and spending nearly 2 weeks in hopsital- I found myself unable to care for him due to the pain of the gall stones and repetide pancreatitus and I will forever be grateful to Dr jaunoo for doing the surgery on my second admission and not making me wait an extra 2 months which would have effected my mental health and quality of life. The after care I received from Dr Jaunoo was absolutely superb and he seemed genuinely caring about my well being! My family and I are so grateful to Dr Jaunoo and the level of care he has given to me! Thank you- I can know concentrate on being a new mum again

Written by a patient at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
7th June 2018

Mr Jaunoo looked after me when I was an inpatient in Gloucester Royal infirmary. He explained my treatment in great detail and answered my questions in depth. He visited me regularly to check my progress following my surgery. I was left with minimal scarring and experienced very little pain following my operation. The advice Mr Jaunoo gave me about phasing my returning to work was very helpful. Mr Jaunoo is a gentleman whose manner is impeccable he is very pleasant and polite.

Written by a patient at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
31st May 2018

Mr Jaunoo is a wonderful talented surgeon. He saved my life during emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. I was feeling very nervous about my follow up appointment as my self esteem and confidence was at an all time low because I had a colostomy, which obviously saved my life but I was still coming to terms with it and getting used to it. I needn't of worried Mr Jaunoo put me at ease immediately with his kind gentle and professional manner. He explained everything to me and made sure I had understood. He told me that I looked really well and had made a great recovery. These kind words meant the world to me and gave me a real boost I had another appointment with Mr Jaunoo yesterday the 29th May to discuss a reversal and again he was totally amazing. It was a privileged to of met him , he is definitely a credit to his patients , the hospital and the NHS. Thank you Mr Jaunoo

Written by a patient at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
24th May 2018

What is great about Mr Jaunoo is his approach and attitude towards you as the patient. He is warm, friendly, caring and treats you with great respect. He explains everything that you need to know and in a way in which you can understand and appreciate what is going on. I have suffered with reflux for years and now after the surgery performed by Mr Jaunoo i can honestly say it has been life changing - no exaggeration, i feel so well. THANK YOU Mr Jaunoo


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