Mr Pubudu Nilantha Jeevendra Pathiraja

22 reviews


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Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
20th December 2019

I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in January 2019 following a full hysterectomy so was then passed to the care of Mr Pathiraja. He advised that due to the type of tumour I had I needed a second operation to remove all immediately surrounding organs to ensure the cancer hadn't spread. This was only 4 weeks after the first, very large operation and I was pretty scared as I had only just found out I had cancer so was in shock really. Mr Pathiraja was extremely kind and reassuring and explained in detail what he needed to do and why, which really helped us prepare for the second operation which was larger than than the first. I was so so lucky as the second op found no further cancer cells but again Mr P spent a great deal of time talking to us so that we fully understood everything that had happened. Given that we were like rabbits in a headlight when all of this happened it made such a difference to have someone take the time to explain things in great detail and answer all of the questions both me and my husband threw at him, and in a language that we understood. We never felt rushed in any of the consultations we have had with him, and having just had my 6 month check up I have been reminded again how caring and patient he is. When you've just been told you have cancer having someone be reassuring and professional, but also humane, makes an immeasurable difference so I cannot recommend Mr Pathiraja enough.

Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
2nd November 2019

I was under Mr Pathiraja for the last six month. Since our first meeting shortly after being diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer stage4, he helped my to stay positive, focused and explained every stage of upcoming treatment in great details. He performed a diagnostic laparoscopy in Feb 2019 and major surgery in Jun 2019. In both cases he’s done excellent professional job, but beyond that he was providing care and support to reinsure that everything is fine. He was waiting for me to wake up after the operation to give me an update, he was visiting me over the weekend to make sure I am recovering well. He has fantastic personality, sense of humour and is approachable when you need him. I had a bit of a panic on Sunday night and as soon as I texted him, he’s got back to me with the answer. I feel lucky to have him as my doctor and highly recommend him to any patient.

Written by a patient at The Churchill
29th August 2018

Mr. Pathiraja performed a diagnostic laparoscopy on me at the Churchill in May 2018. He was searingly honest about my 3c ovarian cancer and gave me the option of not proceeding due to my perceived poor outcome. However, on finding a more positive outcome post surgery his smile and obvious happiness was like the sun coming out. He said "I am happy. I want to dance" so we held hands and he celebrated this good news. Subsequently I have had the major HUGE operation performed 15th May by my assigned Consultant, Mr. Tozzi and just wish to reiterate that the honesty of Mr. Pathiraja gave me the courage to proceed. I have quite a lot of medical knowledge and studied Law at university but feel certain he would tailor any explanations to the academic level of his patients. A truly caring man. Thank you.

Written by a patient at The Churchill
15th May 2018

Mr Patharaja is an Amazing Doctor. I have been seeing him for the last 5 years throughout my Cancer journey - and he is the only one I trusted. He listened to me and understood my thoughts, and advised me in a professional and caring manor. He explains everything fully and makes sure you understand before going forward. Cancer is not a word you want to hear, but Mr Patharaja made me feel at ease through a difficult time, and was there every step of the way. What could Mr Patharaja do to improve his care? Nothing. Simply nothing! Keep doing what you are doing! Today, I said goodbye to Mr Patharaja. My time as a patient of his has come to an end. I am officially 5 years clear. Although, (in the nicest way possible), I hope I never have to see him again, If I was to go through anything like this ever again, I would certainly be giving him a call! Keep up the amazing work Mr P. Keep kicking Cancers Butt!

Written by a member of staff at The Churchill
30th July 2017

Mr.Pathiraja is a excellent doctor...


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Oncology


Mr Pubudu Pathiraja began his surgical career in Sri Lanka, before moving to the UK where he completed his structured postgraduate training programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Mr Pathiraja is a Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG), and gained the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT - 2010) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He then completed the Royal College of Gynaecologists certified Sub-Specialty Training in Gynaecological Oncology at Oxford University Hospitals. He is a member of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) and the BMA, and is a BSCCP-accredited Colposcopist and trainer.

Mr Pathiraja treats all types of gynaecological cancers and is an accomplished and experienced advanced laparoscopic surgeon, performing laparoscopic surgeries / minimal access surgery (MAS) for uterine, cervical and highly selected early stage ovarian cancer.

He has a special interest in performing ultra-radical surgery for ovarian cancer; palliative surgery for recurrent disease and exenterative procedures.

Mr Pathiraja also has a particular surgical interest in treating pre-cancerous disease of the vulva and cervix and also exploring the value of prophylactic surgery for ovarian disease.

Mr Pathiraja has active involvement in teaching registrars/fellows and medical students from the University of Oxford. He is a firm believer in working together with relevant specialties to achieve safest and best quality care for patients. His vision is to disseminate high quality and safe Gynaecological Oncology care for all women in developing and resource poor countries by volunteering and training their specialists.