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Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
27th September 2018

In his personal statement on the IWGC website, Mr Neeraj Garg says: “I believe in putting the patient at ease from the first meeting and follow them through to completion of treatment.” This is exactly what Mr Garg has done for me. From giving my initial cancer diagnosis, he followed up with a phone call when more results came in, to explain what type of cancer it was and what the implications were: more meetings before and after 2 operations. During all of these meetings, Mr Garg never flinched from the hundreds of questions I asked - I never felt hurried along. It was hugely reassuring to have this level of dialog with the person who would perform both operations. Mr Garg’s manner was ideal for me... both matter of fact and sympathetic. I never doubted for a minute that I was getting the best possible care. After my operations I developed an infection and Mr Garg found time to fit me into his emergency clinic. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to give him the best feedback. Thanks Mr Garg!

Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
12th August 2018

I have been well informed throughout treatment and surgery by Mr Garg and the rest of the Breast Care Team. I appreciate that Mr Garg went down the breast conserving route despite a mass of 6.1cm, other surgeons would have done a mastectomy with this size of tumour. Mr Garg has left me with minimal and neat scarring, which has exceeded my expectations. I am so very grateful for Mr Garg’s expertise and skill. The care I have received from the Breast Cancer Team has been outstanding from the moment I had the diagnosis to having surgery. Every aspect of my care has been prompt and efficient. Thank you so very much

Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
20th July 2018

The care I have received from Mr. Garg was excellent. He initially had the difficult job of telling me that I had a triple negative breast tumour and the course of treatment that the multi disciplinary team at Kings would advise. He did this in an informative, calm and sensitive manner. After I had completed six months of chemotherapy, I returned to him for the surgical stage of my treatment. I was fortunate that the chemotherapy had been successful and I was able to have a lumpectomy. Yet again he was reassuring; as well as being extremely clear and thorough when it came to explaining exactly how he intended to remove the required amount of tissue and the method he would use to do so, whilst trying to conserve as much of my breast as possible. I entered the operating theatre feeling confident and knowing exactly what to expect if everything went to plan. The result of my surgery was superb. My breast looked exactly as he explained to me it would and he has done a remarkable job of keeping it’s shape almost identical to the other one with the nipple iintact. Of course there will be scarring as with any major surgery but it will be minimal. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mr. garg to any patient who requires surgery.

Written by a patient at King's College Hospital
16th April 2018

I am very pleased with the care Mr Neeraj Garg has given me at King's College Hospital. He did a very neat lumpectomy that has healed well. In consultations Mr Garg has been both empathetic and reassuring at this difficult time. He has a warm manner and I have every confidence in the service he provides.

Written by a member of staff at King's College Hospital
20th November 2017

Dr Garg is an outstanding colleague, he is always approachable and always willing to discuss patient problems and willing to help. He is an active member of multi-disciplinary team and will do his best to assist the team.


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Mr Neeraj Garg is an experienced Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon whose NHS practice is based at King’s College Hospital, London.

He is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at King’s Health Partners, King’s College, London, and committed to teaching and training.

He trained in plastic surgery overseas and did his specialist higher surgical training in General and Breast Oncoplastic Surgery from London Deanery and completed a prestigious international fellowship in Australia before his first substantive Consultant post at Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust Ipswich. Subsequently, Mr Garg was appointed to King’s College Hospital, London. He further consolidated his experience in Italy, Austria, Spain and Japan.

Mr Garg has a particular interest in surgical oncology, breast disease, male breast disease and breast aesthetics. He has extensive experience in the latest techniques in breast cancer surgery such as therapeutic mammoplasty, breast reconstruction using an implant and acellular dermal matrix, breast reduction, symmetry surgery, nipple reconstruction and breast augmentation surgery. He runs a one-stop breast clinic providing modern breast care along with a leading team of specialists in the care of breast disease.

He actively promotes the sub-speciality of oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery and is a tutor in MS Oncoplastic Course, East Anglia University.

Mr Garg believes in putting the patient at ease from the first meeting and follows them through to completion of treatment. He aims to provide evidence-based, high-quality, comprehensive breast service. His practice ethos is to achieve optimal oncological clearance of breast cancer while ensuring the best possible cosmetic outcome.

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