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Written by a patient
10th March 2015

I saw my GP on Jan 19 and he referred me to the Breast Clinic at Ipswich Hospital and they rang the next day and gave me an appointment for Jan 23 where I saw Breast Nurse Julie Calcluth who guided me through the procedures to ascertain if the lump was benign or not. She was very professional and sympathetic and on Feb 2, I returned for the results with Mr Garg and Julie. Mr Garg explained exactly what was to happen and that the lump had to be removed and that it was not benign. This was not what I wanted to hear and Mr Garg went to great lengths to explain that the situation was not as dire as I feared and that this procedure that I needed was in fact fairly routine operation for him and he was optimistic as to the outcome. He explained that although the lump was being removed he would at the same time cosmetically realign the nipple to compensate for the loss of the lump which was obviously good news for me. He answered all my questions clearly and with patience. A proposed operation date was set for 2.5 weeks later and I started the admissions process that day but said that if a cancellation came up I would be available and on Feb 18, I attended the hospital for a lumpectomy having accepted a cancellation thereby saving me waiting that last week. On arriving for the surgery I was met and taken to a quiet side room where I was seen by a Physio, 2 nurses, Anesthetist and Mr Garg the Consultant. All were very patient and explained why they were seeing me and what their role was. Because of them the trauma of an operation for cancer was lessened and for that I was very grateful. If more women knew how I felt I am sure that it would help them too and that early diagnosis, and prompt treatment and the fact that Ipswich hospital staff have a seamless continuity of care whereby the patient feels confident in capable and professional hands. Mr Garg instilled confidence in me and my partner throughout and I felt that I was in good hands being at Ipswich hospital which I had chosen over a hospital closer to my home. I returned for a wound check on Feb 27 and an Oncology appointment on March 6 where we met with Mr Garg on both occasions. He reiterated what he had done in the operation both times and explained about the results and the ongoing treatment. Mr Garg's expertise was evident when the dressing was removed. I would also like to say how pleased I was that I did not have to wait long for the Breast Clinic appointment, or for the test or for the operation - thank you Ipswich!!
