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Written by a patient
3rd August 2020

I was referred to Mr Alibhai from Queen's hospital in June of this year.This was due to a malignant tumour in my neck From the moment of my first meeting with Mr Alibhai he displayed a high sense of professionalism, empathy and compassion. After introducing himself on the first consultation I became very emotional when he began to explain in detail the process of the surgery and what needed to be done. On seeing my distress he stopped the meeting briefly and asked for my husband to be called. He apologised for having to give me these details particularly on our first meeting. My husband joined me and Mr Alibhai continued to outline what needed to be done. He explained that he would need sometime to assess the situation and look through the scans in more detail and to plan the surgery for me. After my first visit Mr Alibhai contacted the team in Romford to check on me.This is just one example of him going over and beyond his duties. On my second visit when Mr Alibhai met me, the first thing he wanted to be sure of was that I was in a good emotional state . He insisted that I removed my sunglasses to make full eye contact and to ensure I was not crying. His personable manner immediately put me at ease and created a relaxed atmosphere. His style of delivering delicate information is compassionate and clear , using words that the patient will understand. I find him to be extremely calm, patient and emphatic he has a natural reassuring nature. Mr Alibhai went on to explain to me that he had looked through my scans and confirmed that he would be able to perform my surgery. He outlined clearly the risks of the surgery which I understood. He told me that the Surgery would be carried out at Queens hospital which would be more convenient at this time. A date for the Surgery was arranged for 2nd July, on the day Mr Alibhai came to my room to go over the procedure for the day and to ensure everything was in place. I was taken down to theatre, but unfortunately the surgery was cancelled due to the Anaesthetist unable to find a vein to sedate me. This delay carried on for a few hours ,and it got to the point where it was not practical to perform the surgery on that day. Mr Alibhai once again came to see me and apologised for the situation. He explained that he would be available to do the surgery the following Thursday or Saturday.I recall saying to him please ensure that he would be the one doing the surgery,which he confirmed it would be. Later that day he confirmed that the surgery had been rescheduled for Saturday and that he would he would be returning to Queens to perform it. After building up such a good rapport and great confidence with him, I was very pleased and felt relaxed going into the surgery knowing I would be in the hands of not only someone who is highly skilled ,but also has genuine compassion for his patients. On the day of the surgery Mr Alibhai arrived early as usual to see me in my room to once again outline what would be happening during the day. I was taken down to the theatre and I remember looking around and not able to see him.I was asking aloud as to where he was , and soon after he came out of a side room to ensure me of his presence. On waking from the surgery I was I delighted to be told that all went well.Mr Alibhai contacted my family members personally to inform of this. He continued to monitor my progress while I was in hospital and after I left. He told me how to contact him if I ever needed to. Mr Alibhai has also made calls to me at home to ensure that I am ok To conclude ,Mr Alibhai is an exceptional man .He is compassionate, highly professional and a absolute credit to the NHS and his profession. He his empowering and made me feel as though I was the only patient he had ,I was never just another NHS number. During this current time a person like Mr Alibhai is invaluable ,particularly when being diagnosed with such a serious illness. Myself and family cannot thank him enough .I will always pray for his success. Thank you Mr Alibhai.From Melanie Chester and family.
