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Written by a private patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
25th December 2021

Just perfect, kind, caring and a brilliant surgery.

Written by a private patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
23rd December 2021

I was reccomended to Mr Mokawem by my spinal surgeon as he spotted that I had another spinal compression higher up in my neck which required someone who was very experienced in this particular area of the spine. I was extremely lucky to be able to get a consultation relatively quickly despite Covid and Christmas looming and even though I was feeling very scared at the thought of surgery and the potential risks, Mr Mokawem totally put me at ease and explained my options. It transpired that surgery to decompress my vertebrae was the best option for me and I decided to listen to my gut and put myself into Mr Mokawem’s hands, in every sense. I’m delighted to say that the operation went smoothly and now, 6 days later and it’s still early days I already have far more movement in my neck and the pain from before the operation has gone. The nursing care at Stanmore Orthopaedic was amazing, from my first night in the High Dependency Unit to the very comfortable private wing on the 4th floor. The food was also very good. I felt very lucky to have been looked after so well.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
15th December 2021

Dr Mokawem really did a great job with my surgeries and ensuring I was fully prepared in the lead up to it. My surgeries were very complex and I am satisfied with the outcome. My only point for consideration is that I wished I got to spend more time with him pre and post surgery at the times I was seen by one of his consultants. Messages can get misunderstood when passed to him through a 3rd party and consultants don’t necessarily have the 1st hand experience of the journey I’ve been on. I have seen many other surgeons but I trusted Dr Mokawem from our first consultation and I stand by my decision to trust him with my surgery, my spine, and my life!

Written by a private patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
13th December 2021

I really liked Mr Mokawem. He explained things really clearly and came to see me every day after surgery to check on my progress. I felt totally safe and reassured by his professionalism. He has done a great job on my spine and I am really happy with the result he achieved.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
13th December 2021

I am 72 years old and regrettably have considerable experience of Consultants at various hospitals in recent years, which have ranged from being near disastrous to absolute exceptional brilliance. Mr Mokawem definitely comes under the later category because before I met him him for the first time in 2020 I had not been able to walk, at all for 3 years and was confined to a wheelchair. I had been refused surgery by my local hospital and I had approached my GP in desperation for help and he referred me to Mr Mokawem. Although our first “ meeting “ was a virtual one carried out over Zoom within a matter of minutes I was aware that I was in the hands of an exceptional Consultant his kind, caring and extremely knowledgeable approach made me feel instantly at ease. He showed me using my latest MRI scan exactly what was causing my disability and then explained concisely, what my options where and so initially I opted for a further set of spinal injections. Unfortunately although these provided temporary relief by April 2021 my “ mobility “ had significantly deteriorated and the pain had reached a level beyond my ability to tolerate so in a telephone conversation I asked him for surgery which he immediately agreed to arrange. Six months later I was admitted to hospital for the first of 2 operations, the 2nd to take place 7 days later which if successful could restore an unknown level of mobility. On the day I was admitted, a Sunday, Mr Mokawem came to see me to explain exactly what the 2 operations involved and what how I would feel afterwards, as I hadn’t had any form of surgery for 65 years which was both very considerate and reassuring.After the first operation, which involved removing a displaced disc and then fitting a spacer fitting a rod to correct the other spinal deformities. He then built at the base of my spine a titanium cage and inserted screws which would be tightened during the 2nd operation to hold all his work in place. The day after my 2nd operation I started physio working and then on the next day I took my first pain free steps in over three and a half years and I am now back home and able to walk freely without any pain. So to summarise, Mr Mokawem is a charming gentleman who cares above and beyond for his patients and he is also a brilliant surgeon and I would unhesitatingly recommend him to any patient. I will certainly never forget his kindness and his surgical brilliance which has completely restored my ability to lead a normal life. In short he has given me the opportunity to have a whole new life to enjoy with my wife.Miraculous


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Mr Mokawem is a consultant spinal surgeon specialising in all aspects of spinal surgery with a particular interest in paediatric and adult spine deformities. He advises on non-operative and operative management and supports patients in making fully informed decisions. He uses minimally invasive techniques, computer navigated surgery and traditional open techniques as appropriate. His paediatric scoliosis practice encompasses the full repertoire of management strategies.

Mr Mokawem completed the prestigious National Spine Surgery Fellowship at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals. This is a combined neurosurgical and orthopaedic spine surgery fellowship which covers the breadth of spinal surgery and the full spectrum of spinal conditions in both paediatric and adult patients. He completed a complex spine surgery fellowship at the internationally recognised Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. This included minimally invasive and computer navigated surgery, paediatric deformity surgery and spinal tumour surgery.

Mr Mokawem has presented at national and international spine surgery conferences and has published in peer reviewed journals.

- British Association of Spine Surgeons
- Royal College of Surgeons of England

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons