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Written by a patient
20th August 2020

This is a review for Orthapedic Consultant Surgeon Mr Mokawem under Private Care at RNOH Stanmore. I had been suffering for many years with pain in my back, legs and feet caused by a worn lower disc leading to bone on bone and a trapped nerve. There was a very good chance that an operation would greatly help, and I had previously tried for a long time to get one done via the NHS, but there were some complications which acted as a barrier to this happening. Despite not being well off, I decided I wanted to consider self funding because I believe that health is more important than money. After doing some research and reading reviews for Mr Mokawem and his long list of specialist qualifications, I decided to contact Mr Mokawem and I am very glad that I did. His wife Jeanette is the Private Care Practice Manager, and therfore the first point of contact for Mr Mokawem in the Private Care area. I would just like to say that she was amazing, not only putting up with my countless email questions but answering all of them very efficiently, sometimes out of hours and even at weekends. I did of course get direct responses from Mr Mokawem when needed, and he gave very detailed honest and precise information which I greatly appreciated. They both did everything possible to help, and Mr & Mrs Mokawem make a great team! When I met Mr Mokawem in person for my initial consultation, he was increadibly approachable, professional and made some very detailed notes. He explained everything in great detail and gave me plenty of opportunity to ask questions. He was very patient. My gut feeling was that I should trust him. Following this, over a period of time we discussed many options before it could be decided if an operation was the best course of action. Once it was established that an operation could have a good outcome and that he was willing to offer it , I had no hesitation. I met with him again later so that he could plan the operation with me, and he was very honest about all of the possible risks, and allowed me plenty of thinking time, making it clear that I could change my mind at any time. After a health assessment at the hospital, two weeks of isolation (due to COVID-19) a COVID-19 test, and an MRSA swab test, the operation was carried out at RNOH Stanmore on 1st August 2020. COVID-19 procedures were followed throughout my stay at the hospital. Mr Mokawem came to see me several times before the operation and also after the operation to make sure everything was OK. I felt like I was being looked after very well. The operation itself went very smoothly and there were no problems despite it being a very long and complicated surgery requiring a second surgeon, two entry points and a titanium cage. For those of you that understand the lingo: (V3340) Primary anterior discectomy, decompression and anterior fusion + instrumentation - lumbar region (1 level) (V3362) Primary posterior fusion with instrumentation +/- decompression +/- discectomy (lumbar region). I woke up in the recovery room feeling pretty great, and I even ate the sausage and bacon breakfast that the staff brought me, not realising that I only felt great because of the drugs LOL. Once they wore off I felt sore for a couple of days, but it was actually still not that bad. I had micro doses of Morphine on a push button which definately helped. After two days I was able to walk a bit, by the third day I was able to walk well and climb stairs. By the fourth day I was able to go home to recover! Mr Mokawem kept in touch while I was at home and made it clear that I could contact him at any time. I remain under his care and follow up appointments with scans will later track my progress. I am glad that my back is fixed, as it may have become worse with time, requiring an operation later on in life. While I was in hospital, it was pretty clear talking to all the staff there that Mr Mokawem was very well liked by all. They said that he always had time for them and treated everybody well which I am not at all surprised to hear. If you are considering a private care procedure, I can't reccomend Mr Mokawem enough. I don't think you'll find a better surgeon or a more caring person Also, if you make enquiries you'll get fast responses. Thanks for reading, and whatever your problem I wish you a speedy solution.
