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Written by a private patient
23rd November 2021

For Context I am a in my mid-forties with an active lifestyle. At the time of the surgery, I was exercising 5-6 days every week. I had surgery to remove fibroids. I thought it would be better to write this review after I have had my six week post-operative review so as to have comprehensive picture of events. My experience with Dr. Kirana Arambage (Dr A as I fondly call him) is nothing short of a miracle. Right from how I got to know about him up until the time of writing. I had been on the NHS waitlist for over a year and was at the point where I needed to find a Doctor privately to address my health concerns. I heard about Dr A through a mutual friend of one of his patients. I spoke to the lady and she had only very good things to say about her experience with Dr A. She put me in touch with Dr A’s secretary Fiona. Initial Consultation Fiona was very pleasant and efficient and promptly arranged my initial consultation with Dr A. I was very impressed with the treatment plan proposed by Dr A. One of the reasons was that he assured me that he would be able to remove all the fibroids in one surgery. Doctors I had previously consulted with made it clear that I may have to undergo two separate procedures due to the locations and sizes of the fibroids. The other reason has to do with Dr A being an Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon which means that the surgery would be minimally invasive, I would have faster recovery times and be left with fewer scars. Dr A sounded very knowledgeable and empathetic. He listened to me, provided answers to all my questions and reassured me about my concerns. Speaking to Dr A, I felt like he cared about me as a human as opposed my being just a statistic (I had felt this way with one of my previous doctors) He was everything his previous patient spoke about and then some. This built my confidence and I went ahead and gave the go ahead for the surgery to be arranged. Pre-operation tests Since I live in Wales and Dr A is in Oxford, he arranged for me to go into the local Nuffield Health Hospital get all my blood tests and Covid test done. This meant that I didn’t have to travel to Oxford for these. The Surgery On the day of the surgery, I arrived at the Nuffield Health Manor Hospital in Oxford and was checked into my room. Dr A promptly arrived and went over the procedure with me. He went through all the things we had discussed during my consultation and the desired outcomes. He also discussed the procedure with my family member over the phone and agreed to keep them updated on the procedure and outcomes. While I was prepped for surgery, I casually asked the anesthetist (not really expecting it was going to happen) if it was possible to have the procedure recorded so that I could view it later. He said he would let Dr A know and would you believe I had a video recording of the surgery handed to me as I was discharged. My surgery took longer than planned once I was under general anesthesia but Dr A remained patient and ensured that he achieved all the outcomes discussed with me. All the while putting my safety above everything else. He also coordinated with the staff to keep my family members updated during surgery and at ease. Recovery When I regained consciousness I spoke briefly to Dr A before being wheeled to my room. I had adequate care from the nurses and resident doctor. The day after surgery, I was able to walk the length of the corridor at three separate times throughout the day. I had help taking a shower and was able to pass urine. I was given medications for pain and I had paracetamol over the first 24hours. By day 2, I was monitored regularly to ensure that I was recovering as I ought to and was given all that I needed where necessary. I had a bowel movement, was able to have a shower by myself and didn’t require any more pain medication to the surprise of the medical staff. I’m not entirely sure why but I wasn’t in any pain and honestly didn’t feel like I had major surgery. I sensed a bit of surprise from Dr A because he kept saying to me that I have just had major surgery. I’m thankful for him stressing that, otherwise I might have been tempted to return to my active lifestyle sooner than I ought to. The video recording (which I watched when I returned home) was also helpful for me understanding the extent of the surgery because I just didn’t feel like my body had been through that. I was discharged on day 3 and I made the journey back to Wales without any issues afterwards. Dr A kept in touch by telephone afterwards to ensure that I was recovering as expected. I have since had my monthly cycle and it’s more like what it was when I was in my twenties. I have also had my six week post-op review with Dr A and he is happy with my recovery. In summary, my experience with Dr Arambage exceeded all my expectations. He is a very skilled and compassionate surgeon. My recovery time was very short, the biggest incision on my stomach is one inch in length and my monthly cycle is back to ‘my’ normal. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Although I had to travel to Oxford for the surgery, I think it was worth it. I totally recommend his services to anyone in need of it.
