Mr Chinmay Gupte was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
7th June 2015

Dr. Gupte possesses extraordinary knowledge, and executes with masterly skill. Moreover, he is a pleasure to work with. The surgery he performed on my knee was a successful, balanced blend of science and art. My recovery has been excellent. I am very grateful to have found him. His staff is responsive, accommodating and easy to work with.

Written by a patient at St Mary's Hospital
2nd March 2015

Mr Gupte explained the procedure so that I understood what my operation involved. I was delighted with the outcome.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
12th November 2014

Mr Gupte was the best surgeon I could ever have wished for. I went to see him after having some trouble through the NHS with waiting time. I'd been diagnosed by a doctor on the NHS and he completely agreed with the diagnosis and the planned operation. It was precisely one week after my appointment when I had the surgery. He insisted he thought the procedure could have been done on the NHS, it was purely a matter of the time I wanted to wait. At no point did I feel pressured into having the operation privately. His assistant, Alice, was one of the most helpful people I've ever experienced. Honestly, she is a god send. On the day of the operation, I arrived at the hospital at 7am and was walking down to theater at 8.30am. He came in and saw me before hand, reassured me and asked if there was anything I was unsure about. Before going into theater, I remember thinking how much I trusted him. The surgery was a complete success, my scar which is about 13cm long, is so tidy and will look like nothing but a scratch in 6 months time. He came to see me three times before I was discharged. Each time smiling (he has a fab smile), reassuring and making sure I wasn't in too much pain. On the follow up appointment, he was once again reassuring and gave me a name of the physio he recommended. Again, I felt absolutely no pressure to go with this particular physio (but I am so glad I did because 8 weeks later, I played my first squash match) but that was just his personal opinion. At my 10 week appointment, he was again friendly, and somewhat amazed by my progress. He was very aware that I was self funding and stressed that he was happy with me, so should only come and see him should the need arise, he didn't want me to have to come back and pay for appointments I didn't need. Overall, I couldn't recommend Mr Gupte enough. Have complete faith in his abilities and he will keep you well informed all the way through the process.

1st September 2014

Mr Gupte is without question the most sincere and caring Dr that I have come to meet. This was not the first time that I had the need to rely on his skill with my knees. He always had the time and patience to explain my problems and the cause. When the time came for him to carry out the arthroscopy on both knees I found him to be considerate to the extent that he stayed to speak to my husband late evening as I was still sedated. After only days I was walking unaided having taken his advice regarding exercise and after two weeks I am now able to walk drive with no pain. I cannot praise Mr Gupte more and would have no problem recommending him if needed to my family and friends.

Written by a patient at The Wellington Hospital
15th August 2012

I would recommend Chinmay to anyone. You expect your consultant to be friendly, knowledgeable and thorough, but Chinmay went beyond my expectations. I have a history of knee operations, but this is the first time that I was given a full understanding of what previous surgeons had done and the state of my knee (e.g. I didn’t know that the previous surgeon had put a pin in my knee!). Post op, I was expecting to be on crutches for 6 weeks, but I walked out of the hospital unaided. More importantly, Chinmay gave a comprehensive summary report - which was invaluable to my physio - and gave me a realistic assessment of the future. He understands that I may choose not to follow his advice and, without judgment, gave me an idea of what I should expect if I chose a different path, i.e. he applies a pragmatic, realistic aspect to his work. Incidentally, my physio volunteered that, "Chinmay is one of the most well respected knee surgeons in the industry", which gave me further reassurance that I was right to go to Chinmay.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery