Mr Bhav Patel was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
16th May 2023

After the first right ear hearing loss at the age of 35 life was liveable and hearing loss not so much of an issue and the need for the stapedectomy operation. I delayed the first operation as to my right ear as it was not urgent as my hearing in my left ear was ok , it also gave me a opportunity to research the problem and doctors who are able to carry out the procedure, it was only till my left ear had the same issue I came across Jeremy Lavy and his team of surgeons , Bhav Patel on my first meeting went through the procedure and risks made me feel at ease and any hesitation in getting the operation done ! After the meeting I was happy to have surgery and am extremely happy with the result .

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
25th April 2023

I was diagnosed with Otosclerosis in both ears and had a successful left stapedectomy over 10 years. Prior to the stapes surgery my hearing deteriorated significantly including the onset of tinnitus. Even after the successful surgery, i was really apprehensive about getting the right ear done because of the risks (hearing loss and tinnitus). Fast forward to end of 2022 where my right ear deteriorated further and i seriously started thinking about stapes surgery in my right ear but again the worry about complications was pushing me away. I then saw Dr Patel who put me at ease and was very confident that the procedure would be a success. With a combination of Dr Patels calmness, confidence, the number of successful procedures he has performed and under the stewardship of Mr Lavy, i decided to go ahead with the procedure. The days leading to the operation were challenging and filled with more worry (what happens if it doesn’t work and makes things worse) but i kept to my original decision to get the procedure done. The day of the operation was much of the same (worry) but seeing Dr Patel before the operation, allayed any fears and i went ahead with operation. I was under sedation but after the operation, Dr Patel came to see me and was very happy, confirming the operation was a success and advised to take it easy and come back in a couple of weeks to remove the packing. The post op period was again challenging as you’re advised not to do anything too strenuous and generally take it easy. You’re given some drops to use to prevent an infection and will generally hear some weird sounds (different to tinnitus). I personally suffered from dizziness for a good 1.5 weeks and at times i couldnt stand up but luckily it got alot better. So, the day to remove the packing came, seemed like it took forever to get to this stage but out it came and the ear healed perfectly and no additional drops needed. A word of advice, (some may have the opposite effect to me) dont expect your hearing to be improved 100% after the packing comes out, its gone through a massive trauma and will take time to improve. After the packing was removed, i was told to come back in 6 weeks, key thing is to make sure it remains dry and again take it easy. Fast forward to 6 weeks… got a new hearing test completed and Mr Patel’s words.. “this is excellent, massive improvement”. It felt surreal that my right ear has got to a position where the hearing had improved. Hopefully theyll be more improvement as time goes on but im very grateful to be in this position. So if you’re on the fence, worried, you have every right but with Dr Patel you are in very safe hands, their success rate is second to none and the clinic has done thousands of these procedures. Improve the quality of your life and get it done.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
18th April 2023

I had a brilliant experience start to finish from the first appointment to discharge. The results of the stapedectomy have been really excellent with a dramatic change in my hearing I can hear things I haven’t done for 20 years. I feel safer now. I would recommend it 100% to patients with otosclerosis. Down side I experienced was a temporary change to taste, but this fades in most people. A great experience

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
30th March 2023

Everything was explained before the operation and after. I was made to feel at ease and I didn’t feel anything. I was half sedated so I could hear the doctor speak to me so he knew the hearing was there. I am so much happier as I can hear again and people don’t have to repeat things all the time! Strongly recommend great care involved. Thank you.

14th February 2023

Most patients leave his clinic very satisfied with their treatments and consultation. Very kind Doctor, treats everyone restfully.


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Mr Patel is a Consultant ENT surgeon working at Northwick Park, Central Middlesex and Hillingdon Hospitals. He has a particular expertise in ear surgery, specialising in hearing restoration and awake ear surgery.