Mr Bhav Patel was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Central Middlesex Hospital
15th May 2024

Thank you Dr Patel and wonderful ENT team for helping me to restore my hearing on my right ear and improving my quality of life. I am partially deaf on my right ear from birth. I was recommended by Dr Patel by a Colleague at work, whom I shared the news that I might be getting a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid from a Local Hospital. My Colleague has prompted me to go to my GP and request for a referral to be made directly to Mr Bhav Patel. Dr Patel saw me in clinic and explained to me my diagnosis and all current available treatments. Initially I was nervous about the surgery and Dr Patel made me feel at ease. The provisional surgery date was set on the first initial appointment date which was wonderful. Out of Curiosity I have reached out to a user who already had an ear implant done thought an online portal and received amazing feedback. The surgery was a day case and I have made a swift recovery. To be able to hear a wider range of sounds on my right ear is a game changer. I am very grateful to you all and I wish you and your lovely team all the best in the future endeavours.

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
26th April 2024

Around A Year Ago I Noticed That My Hearing Was Getting Worse In My Right Ear So I Made The Step To Get It Checked Out. I Was Instantly Given A Referral To ENT Where I Met Dr Patel. During My First Appointment Dr Patel Went Into So Much Detail About What Was Happening And Gave Me So Much Information About The Issue Itself And Potential Procedures To Help Rectify The Issue And Prevent It From Getting Worse. One Of Those Options Was Surgery Which I Was Super Nervous About And Dr Patel Could Tell, So He Let Me Go Away And Gave Me Time To Consider My Options And Think About Which Route I Wanted To Take. After A Little While I Noticed Things Getting Dramatically Worse, My Hearing Had Got Worse In My Right And Significantly Worse In My Left. I Then Knew My Only Option Was To Have The Surgery For The Best Possible Outcome. I Had A Follow Up Appointment To Discuss My Thoughts And Check To See If Things Were The Same Or If They Had Declined. I Already Knew Things Had Gotten Worse But Dr Patel Made Me Feel So Comfortable! The Thought Of Surgery Terrified Me Especially As There Was A Chance It May Not Completely Fix It But Would Definitely Improve It. Knowing How Nervous I Was Dr Patel Talked Me Through Every Single Detail And Every Piece Of Information Possible. We Booked My Surgery Date Then And There And Three Weeks Later I Had My Surgery. Dr Patel Came To See Me Before Going Down For The Surgery And Was Still Reassuring Me Then! I'm Now 5 Weeks Post Op And I Can't Thank Dr Patel And His Team Enough. I'm Completely Healed And Feeling A Thousand Times Better And Confident. For Me Surgery Was 100% The Best Thing I Could Have Done! If It Wasn't For Dr Patel I Don't Think I Would Have Been Confident Enough To Have The Surgery. He Really Is The Nicest And Most Reassuring Doctor I've Met And Was So Understanding When I Was Anxious And Nervous In The Lead Up To My Surgery. If You Are Considering Your Options With Dr Patel I Guarantee You Will Not Be Disappointed. Thank You Again Dr Patel!

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
24th April 2024

I was suffering from chronic ear infections, reduced hearing and the ruptured ear drum for nearly 2 years. I was fortune to meet Dr. Bhavesh Patel in Dec 2023 after many follow-ups with my GP went in vain. He immediately listed me for tympanoplasty surgery realising the need to patch the hole in my ear drum to resolve my chronic infection and improve my hearing. He and his team were excellent in understanding the sufferings and the pain of the patients. They took great care of me during and after the surgery. I was well informed about the risks and the benefits of the surgery. Though I was waiting for this surgery for a long period, I became heavily nervous on my surgery day as it is more invasive. Anaesthetist Mr. Amir Nagpal and his colleagues made me feel more comfortable during sedation process. After the surgery when I was in recovery ward for an hour to be monitored for any complications, two nurses Barry and a female nurse took great care of me and was very kind- hearted. I have no words to describe my gratitude of being taken well care of by Dr. Bhavesh and his team mates. After 3 1/2 weeks of surgery, I have developed more serious form of tinnitus and severe pain in my operated ear. So, I contacted Dr. Bhavesh via email on Saturday afternoon. He responded to me in 2 hours mentioning that he is in abroad, so will get his colleagues to check me. I received call on Monday afternoon from his colleagues regarding my appointment. They have examined my ear and informed me that they can't see any infection and my ear is healing well enough. I felt relieved as I was seen by ENT Team. When he returned from abroad, he himself checked and ensured me that my ear is healing well; there is no concern and my hearing has improved massively in the operated ear. He also mentioned that my different version of tinnitus should hopefully resolve in the next couple of days as it has become bit more manageable than earlier. I am still waiting for my tinnitus to disappear, hopefully it would as per doctor's advice. Now, I feel more confident in undergoing the same procedure in my left ear to overcome the reduced hearing, chronic infection and ear drum oscillation. I strongly recommend this procedure by Dr. Bhavesh Patel for anyone who is experiencing the same difficulties that I had. Massive thanks to Dr. Bhavesh Patel to lift me out of my hearing issue as I was feeling frustrated with myself due to reduced hearing; chronic infection and was unable to complete my day to day responsibilities. Thank you Bharathi

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
19th April 2024

I was suffering from blocked sinus for over 20 years and had a great difficulty breathing being asthmatic was subject to frequent chest infections. But after my operation I felt like I had a new lease of life. My breathing has increased a 100 percent and I feel great. Can climb a set of staircase without being out breath. Operation was a great success.

Written by a NHS patient at Central Middlesex Hospital
22nd March 2024

After surgery so good with breathing and smell


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Mr Patel is a Consultant ENT surgeon working at Northwick Park, Central Middlesex and Hillingdon Hospitals. He has a particular expertise in ear surgery, specialising in hearing restoration and awake ear surgery.

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