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Written by a patient at Spire Fylde Coast Hospital
26th November 2019

From the moment I met Mr Shah I felt confident he would help to relieve my suffering due to arthritis in my left knee. Although I found him abrupt and sparing in his words. I suspect he was rushing to get on to the next patient. I was not insulted, as I understand the pressures he must be under. But he did explain everything I needed to know to me I arrived for my total knee replacement operation, I felt relaxed and confident, I had my own En Suite Room and I felt that I was in good hands. All the nurses and Anesthetists were professional and efficient, Every process was explained to me thoroughly. Following my surgery, I woke up and Mr Shah was with me, he actually phoned my wife there and then to tell her everything went well. This was a brilliant piece of patient care. Post Op I was cared for exceptionally well. I was returned to my room and every nurse, Physiotherapist and auxiliary, ensured my recovery started straight away. Their Positivism in my care definitely helped keep me mentally calm. If I have one issue, maybe I was allowed home too early as on Monday night at home in bed the pain breakout occurred and even the liquid morphine was not enough to stop the pain and it lasted only a couple of hours. However overall now that I am 6 weeks into recovery. I don`t have one bad thought about the whole process. I have seen Mr Shah since and he was impressed with my walking. as I have been exercising at home steadfastly.

Written by a patient at Spire Fylde Coast Hospital
25th November 2019

Mr Shah has replaced both my knees since August 2018. Whilst under his care he has instilled me with confidence and optimism. He made me aware of what I could expect, and that I would have to play my part to enable a full recovery. He did not underplay the pain of knee replacement. He is kind and listens to what I have to say. I am delighted with the results of the surgery.

Written by a patient at Spire Fylde Coast Hospital
25th November 2019

I am very impressed with Mr Shah's attention to detail and the quality of transparency and honesty in my care and consultations.


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I have been working within orthopaedics since 1998.

I have 3 orthopaedic degrees from India, 3 more from the UK including the FRCS in trauma and orthopaedics and am on the GMC specialist register to practice as a consultant in trauma and orthopaedics.

My specialist interest is in hips and knees(hoping the name of the website was a giveaway)

I do believe it is necessary to restrict ones practice to one or two specialist areas and I think its difficult to deliver great outcomes unless the focus is narrow

I have been in the NorthWest since 2003 and have enjoyed learning from some superb surgeons in some well run hospitals

This includes working at Wrightington Hospital(which is one of the centres of excellence for orthopaedic work) as the John Charnley Fellow learning how to tackle complex hip and knee problems.

My focus is on delivering an ethical and sensible consult to start with. An ability to explain the pathology (in simple terms!) and then laying out the options available is vital to this.

Sometimes its about giving you time to make that call and in some cases its about having that additional information to get your head around the problem.

With hips and knees I deal with all pathologies related to and including sports injuries, having a painful or unstable joint due to early wear and tear to severe forms of arthritis. Your treatment may range from getting an understanding and then walking away, physiotherapy, injections to the joint or around it, key hole surgery, various forms of joint replacements (talk to me about options and materials).

On a personal front, I have a teenage son and a younger daughter(who still thinks i am great), love the following in no particular order: cricket(mainly watching occasionally doing), swimming(do this one), and an occasional dram of a good single malt(definitely do this one)

FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics, RCSEdinburgh)
MSc (Orthopaedics, Wrightington Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust and UCLAN Preston)
MRCS (Intercollegiate, RCSEd)
Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics, Mumbai Unversity)
Diplomate National Board (Orthopaedics, New Delhi, India)
Diploma Orthopaedics (College of Physician and Surgeons, Mumbai)
MBBS (TNMC, Mumbai)