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Written by a patient at Grantham and District Hospital
31st January 2018

I have seen Dr Yewlett twice now, once for my left shoulder and then again for my right. Yewlett is extremely knowledgeable and very professional, helpful and understanding and I would warmly recommend him.

Written by a patient at Grantham and District Hospital
25th January 2018

Due to rheumatoid arthritis I was referred to Grantham Hospital for a replacement elbow operation. On attending the hospital I was seen and treated by Mr Alun Yewlett. A gentleman in every sense of the word. He explained everything about the procedure and what it entailed. On the day of my operation I was, needless to say, a little apprehensive as I had never heard of replacement elbow procedure before until I was referred but any fears I had were quickly dispelled by Mr Yewlett and his team who gave 100 per cent in my treatment and quickly made me feel totally at ease. The treatment I received by Mr Yewlett and his staff during my short stay in hospital was first class. As was the aftercare and attention received on my discharge from hospital. I hold this gentleman in very high esteem and cannot recommend his work enough and also that of his team and nursing staff. Mr Alun Yewlett is a credit to his profession and to Grantham Hospital.

Written by a patient at Grantham and District Hospital
25th January 2018

After a fall on Christmas Eve resulting in a broken collar bone which needed to be operated on Mr Yewlett made me feel at ease and assured me I was in good hands. Despite being very nervous about the procedure Mr Yewlett and all the staff at Grantham Hospital took great care of me and I got the sense that they all really cared about their patients. It is still early days healing wise but the scar appears to be very minimal and has been commented by several people on how neat and tidy it looks. This was a big factor for me with it being in such a prominent place.

Written by a patient at Grantham and District Hospital
24th January 2018

REVERSE SHOULDER REPLACEMENT Performed on Celia Bircumshaw (D.O.B.7.11.30) on October 5th 2017 by Mr. A. Yewlett at Grantham Hospital Today is December 5th exactly two calendar months since my shoulder operation. During the past eight weeks I have kept a detailed diary of progress which may be of interest to both the medical staff involved and also anyone else who is considering this, what seems to be a very drastic surgery procedure. The decision to go ahead was a difficult one, not only because I was 86 but also because of the length of time for the recovery process – the thought of having your arm in a sling for six weeks was very off-putting. However in retrospect this proved to be a very minor disadvantage and in fact it was only really necessary as a means of resting the arm when the muscles became fatigued and also in bed for safety reasons. By week 4 I was able to do without the sling entirely during daytime. I think it important to point out that working hard on fitness level for several weeks before the op was a great help and I am sure is making recovery much easier. Now to post-operative progress. I was looked after throughout so well. I had great faith in Mr.Yewlett and the anaesthetist. Also in the cardiology team who were monitoring my progress during and after the op as I have a heart condition. After the op I was transferred to the EAU for special monitoring and on the second day to Ward 2 who were all very caring for the days before I left hospital. First six weeks. I expected fatigue and some level of depression during this time and that very expectation enabled me to cope pretty well. When at home I am a carer for my husband so this was a bit challenging at first but I have a housekeeper who comes in to help for an hour on most days of the week so we got by pretty well. Physiotherapy is the most important aspect of recovery .The exercises are simple and easy and in the first three weeks I managed to repeat 3/4 times a day. Towards the end of this period I seemed to be very busy, including caring activities for my husband, and so averaged out at twice a day for physio sessions. I now have a longer programme including neck, arm body and leg work. I also kept a daily diary to chart progress which has been very helpful. I propose to come back to this site with a much briefer report now and then for the first year, In the meantime good luck to all of you who decide to go for it! Once again I must express my appreciation to all the hospital team from Mr. Yewlett right down to the very welcome trolley service who made my stay in Grantham Hospital if not enjoyable certainly safe and sound! Celia Bircumshaw.

Written by a patient at Grantham and District Hospital
24th January 2018

Mr Yewlett is a true gentleman. He maintains his professionalism, whilst also being friendly and considerate (as do his team members). He is always ready to listen, and to answer any questions you may raise about your problem/ condition. I have been an out-patient for many years, at various hospitals in the UK and abroad, and I have never felt more at ease as I do when visiting Orthopaedics Depatment at Grantham Hospital. Although Mr Yewlett and his team no doubt are under great pressure, I have never been greeted with anything but a smile, a friendly face or a helpful attitude. This, to me speaks volumes. We need to make sure that this kind of care for patients carries on, and continues to grow, for us and for future generations. Sincerely, Barbara Grattage.


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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in Elbow and Shoulder problems.
Upper limb lead for Grantham and District Hospital
Elbow lead for ULHT

I am humbled and grateful to my patients who have consistently provided me with excellent feedback and help to shape my practice. I am delighted to have been awarded my second national certificate of excellence award from iwantgreatcare for two years in a row.

The Annual award is given to clinicians who consistently receive outstanding patient feedback. The Certificate of Excellence was awarded by I Want Great Care, the world's largest independent patient experience website.