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Written by a NHS patient at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
27th April 2021

I was really worried having found a lump in my breast. As soon as I met Doctor Talaat he made me feel relax - he was very friendly and I felt at ease straight away Miss Susan Norris was the nurse and she was also really nice and friendly

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
3rd March 2021

Mr Talaat's care was outstanding as he put me at ease throughout the consultation. He was very kind and caring with his approach and the procedure was seamless. He was very understanding and did not made me feel even more anxious than I already was. Mrs Palma (nurse) was so friendly and caring even though I was so anxious walking into the clinic, and that also put me at ease and made me feel calm and comfortable. The whole experience at the QE2 hospital was very pleasant and reassuring.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
7th February 2021

I had a great experience with the consultant and the nurse. Thank you for looking after us.

Written by a NHS patient at Lister Hospital
4th February 2021

Mr Talaat was very concise in delivering my breast cancer diagnosis but delivered it in a very caring and understanding way. He explained things clearly and in a way I could understand. Any quesrion from me was answered clearly and at times with humour to make me all the more relaxed. I knew exactly where I stood with my diagnosis and what may happen whatever the outcome. He is a very humble man and can tell he only wants the best for his patients. I would highly recommend him as a breast cancer surgeon.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
4th February 2021

Excellent all round. Not along waiting time at all. Mr Alaa Talaat and his team were very friendly and put me at ease straight away. He was clear and precise with his communication and I trusted them completely. They explained each step. Everybody I encounter today was just lovely and made a very scary and worrying experience much easier.


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Breast surgeon with special interest in Oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery.

Nearest General surgeons