Dr Tim Clayton was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Salford Royal Hospital
22nd December 2016

Dr.clayton treated us with respect and care. With a child with alopecia there needs to be sensitivity and he and his team are fantastic and explain everything so well. He is considerate to our needs both physically and emotionally and finally we feel like someone is helping who genuinely cares. No question is too silly and he is considered and knowledge, offering long term ideas and short term care. Fantastic .

Written by a patient at Oaklands Hospital
21st September 2016

My name is Neil Bradley, , at the time I was a 44 year old man who had suffered from acne since the age of 10. Many trips to the doctors were taken over the years with very little action on their part, they just did not care. I would get very self concious and life therefore did not progress as I would have liked, I would not go for promotions, or even go out with friends. The acne did appear to be getting slightly better, then came rosacea. Again the doctors were hopeless, they would not refer me, even saying that there was nothing a dermatologist could do to help, can you believe that? I got in touch with Tim and saw him privately. My skin was completely clear of acne symptoms within 4 weeks, this was the first time in over 30 years I could look in the mirror and not see acne. The treatment is not a life time cure, however Tim has given me a great deal of confidence. I know that if, or rather when I need him again, he will once more have no problem in prescribing me the right product. Any disease of the skin, especially the face, is for most people, a terrible ordeal, it is a confidence sapper. Don't continue to worry, don't continue down the route of depression, go and see Dr Tim Clayton. I still have days where I have concerns about the condition of my skin, even with those concerns, the past 3 years have been the best years of my life, since I was 10 and the onset of the skin condition anyway.

Written by a patient at Pall Mall Medical
4th June 2016

I have suffered with adult acne for the past 10 years and after frequent trips to my GP, hundreds of pounds spent on facial creams and skin care regime that apparently would help, nothing was changing and I thought I would never be rid-That's when I decided to book an appointment with Dr Clayton. At my first appointment, he instantly made me feel very welcome and promised that he could help clear my acne. He was extremely knowledgeable and explained everything in detail. I was being treated by Dr Clayton for 6 months and through the whole time he was very supportive during my treatment and made me feel very comfortable. If I had any worries during my treatment, I would drop him an email and he would reply almost instantly to put me at ease again. I am sat here writing this with completely clear skin, which has been clear for the past 3 months after treatment. He really worked miracles and continues to be supportive with the scars left behind. I can't recommend enough!

Written by a carer at Pall Mall Medical
24th May 2016

Our son started suffering with eczema around his eyes and on his flexures in the winter after he turned 10 years old. It got progressively worse over 6 months. We tried everything to improve his condition: our GPs, a dermatology hospital referral, expensive private doctors, health food shops, dairy elimination, dust elimination, anti histamines. Nothing worked. Not only was the eczema very sore and caused him to feel extremely self conscious, but he became very exhausted and couldn't lead a normal life when he was having bad flare ups. Last week, on a day that felt like rock bottom (our son was off school, in misery with the eczema), I spent the whole day searching the internet for somebody who could help us. Luckily for us, Dr Clayton had an appointment available the next day due to a cancellation. As soon as we walked into the room it was clear that we were finally meeting somebody who knew exactly what he was talking about. He gives you complete confidence that you are in the best hands possible. He's so knowledgeable, empathetic, upbeat and full of great advice. We found it very hard to believe when he said he would clear the flare up within 3 days, but we came out of the appointment feeling the most hopeful we had done for months. Our son said, "That doctor was brilliant!" That evening there was already a huge improvement and our son slept through the night comfortably for the first time in weeks. The next morning the improvement was incredible. Not just his skin, but his whole demeanour and the way he was anticipating the day ahead. He bounded into the house from school that afternoon like a different child, full of an energy and enthusiasm we hadn't seen for so long. We felt we had our son back. His teacher told me he had stood up in front of his class that afternoon in "show and tell" to tell them about his visit to "the best doctor in the world". Two days earlier he hadn't wanted any of his classmates to look at him, he was so self conscious. Our rock bottom day was exactly a week ago today. He's not had any time off school since our appointment with Dr Clayton. His skin is smooth and soft. You can barely see any sign at all that he's ever had any eczema (just very very faintly pink). He is overjoyed to be taking part in all his sports again. He had a great time with his mates at a sleepover this weekend. He's a happy member of our family again. He's got his quality of life back. (He's also merrily drinking cows' milk again. He's totally delighted about that!) We are realistic and know that controlling his condition will take a lot of care, but the vicious circle of stress causing eczema and eczema causing stress has been broken. We hope this has given us a better chance at preventing the terrible flare ups. It's so reassuring that we know who to go to in the event of future flare ups too. We can't thank Dr Clayton enough. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to anybody. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Written by a carer at Pall Mall Medical
10th May 2016

After seeing our local GP frequently about my partners eczema, we decided to see Dr Clayton to ask for some advice. What a great decision this was. Very helpful and eager to help, he was able to assist us in getting the right treatment for her. I would advise anyone that is deliberating whether to go down this road to take the opportunity to see one of the best doctors I have dealt with.


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Dr Tim Clayton is an experienced trusted consultant dermatologist who practices in Manchester. He was born and bred in Manchester and prides himself on his ability to cut-through medical jargon and communicate clearly with all of his patients.

For more information please review his website:


Tim is fully trained in adult and paediatric dermatology and is listed on the GMC specialist register.

He was recently named by the Times of London as one of the top 100 uk children’s doctors.

He practices at Salford Royal NHS trust and the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

Dr Tim has also opened a new consulting suite at 76 King Street, Manchester.

Dr Clayton is experienced to manage all aspects of skin disease. He qualified in 1995 and he is is a member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh).

He is also a member of the British Association of Dermatologists, the European Academy of Dermatologists, the British Society for Cutaneous Allergy, the European Society for Paediatric Dermatology and an executive board member of the British Society for Paediatric Dermatology.

Dr Clayton’s special clinical interests include; Atopic Eczema, Acne, Rosacea, Vascular Birthmarks, Skin Cancer, Genetic Skin disease, Paediatric and Adult Dermatological Surgery and Laser Surgery.

Dr Clayton aims to provide a straight forward and honest opinion about his patient’s skin concerns, whether they are medical or cosmetic in nature.

He is an official spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation and has written many articles for the national press and numerous lifestyle magazines including; Full House, Practical Parenting and Pregnancy, Champions League Magazine, and Arena.

Dr Clayton’s private practices are located in Manchester City Centre and Salford.

Dr Clayton is an honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Manchester.