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Written by a private patient at The Montefiore Hospital
28th March 2023

I had experienced many years of GPs making me feel as if I was crazy, and struggled to be taken seriously or get a diagnosis. Within a few minutes of speaking to Dr Zachariah he had not only told me gently what was he believed was wrong (he was right of course), but also assured me that he would be able to help me get better, and he has. He has literally changed my life, and it’s really quite impossible to put into words how grateful I am to him, not only for his clinical skill, but also for his kindness and generosity. He really listens, and he makes you feel like a person, not a patient. He is extremely thorough and reassuring and not only suggests emailing him with questions, but replies to them quickly and with clarity. He really is the best and I recommend him with the greatest pleasure.

Written by a private patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
14th March 2023

I came to see Dr. Zachariah after 13 years or thyroid deficiency, and some occasions of pre-diabetes, and having seen many eminent specialists in the London area over this period. All investigations were always meticulously done, I have many pages of blood tests and scans. Whilst my blood test results were always within range, for all these years, I had serious and sometimes debilitating symptoms. Dr. Zachariah also undertook a very through investigation with many blood tests and scans, but, this time, I felt more comfortable to discuss the symptoms I had, although much of it was difficult to describe precisely, and how these on-going symptoms affected me on a day to day level, and I felt heard. We made a joint decision to fine tune and change the medication and to review the symptoms again, after a couple of months. I feel much better already. Dr. Zachariah is not just a highly qualified expert in his field, but also a patient and attentive doctor, who listens, I would like to recommend him very highly here and have already recommended to several friends.

Written by a private patient at Hove Natural Health Clinic
4th March 2023

Dr Sunil Zachariah saw me in respect of my diagnosis of having Diabetes Type 2. I had hitherto only been seen by general practitioners. I had a a number of concerns and complications both with the condition itself and the side effects of my existing medication. Dr Zachariah put me at ease immediately and explained in the most comprehensive fashion what the issues were and how they could be approached and ultimately resolved. I have seldom observed someone who is able in the most proficient way to explain and highlight both the particular presented facts and issues and applicable medical factors in such a calm, coherent, logical and professional manner. Dr Zachariah is in my view at the top of his field and he is a breath of fresh air. He listens to the patient and is both compassionate and direct, gets to the points and tells it how it is. His manner is caring and is one which is admirable. He is a gentleman.

Written by a private patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
19th February 2023

Dr Zachariah has totally transformed my life. Having struggled with Hashimoto and energy for nearly 5 years, I was repeatedly told that my bloods were fine and was even sent to an ME clinic for a diagnosis. After seeing Dr Zachariah (through a recommendation of a friend who has the same condition) I started a different protocol and haven't looked back. My energy has improved, I can exercise without feeling fatigue and I just feel totally transformed. I feel extremely sad that it took 5 years to find a solution but so grateful that just for today I have one.

Written by a private patient at Hove Natural Health Clinic
3rd February 2023

Dr Zacharia has been so good at helping from a state of ill health and depression, to place of well managed diagnosed disease, with ongoing care understanding and support in my journey to self management and long term health. He was able to diagnose Hashimoto disease, under active thyroid, and treat me with medication, diet changes gluten free, low carb, low alcohol, etc . He was able to help me lose 3 stone in weight and is helping me to maintain this weight, for my health.


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Specialises in

  • Endocrinology
  • Internal (General) Medicine