
Written by a private patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
21st February 2024

Dr Warner was my anaesthetist during a hip replacement at the Manor Hospital on 31/02/24. I cannot speak highly enough of him. He talked me through the procedure beforehand in clear, calm language, and was extremely helpful and informative when he came to see me post-surgery. The operation was a complete success, with no complications. I am hugely grateful to him for his professionalism and friendly, positive attitude. Henry Macrory



I have been a Consultant Anaesthetist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust since 2001. I have a wide variety of practice including anaesthetics for Neurosurgery, ENT Surgery, and Major Arthroplasty Orthopaedic Surgery. I also practice in areas such as Radiology, Plastics, Maxillofacial surgery. I have been a Consultant in the Neurocritical Care Unit for the last 15 years and have recently stopped practice.

I have provided anaesthetics for more than 12,000 patients in my Consultant practice and have no complaints against me. I have highly complementary feedback from patients and colleagues in my yearly appraisal.

I am an Educational Supervisor and also a Medical appraiser.

Nearest Anaesthetists and ITU specialists