Dr Hywel Jones was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
27th March 2015

I could not wished for a better experience or care during my recent operation. I felt at ease, everything was explained thoroughly. thanks for your fantastic care and human approach to patients.

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
24th March 2015

I recently underwent a total knee replacement procedure and Dr Jones was my anaesthetist. His pre-op briefing was comprehensive, clearly indicating the options and degrees of sedation open to me. His care and attention during the procedure was very reassuring. I felt that he was with me every minute of the time. The honesty of the explanations were very important as major surgery is not entirely without risk and/or pain and this assisted me greatly, both mentally and physically, in my post operative recovery. I feel that I have been fortunate to have had such a competent and caring practitioner looking after me and would recommend Dr Hywel Jones most highly.

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
6th March 2015

Hi ! Im 28 and I had surgery to remove my thyroid on the 25th feb 2015. I had an over active thyroid which was diagnosed last August ish ?! let's just say the whole thing had made me so poorly so quickly i woke up each day in a foggy kind of way along with all the rubbish symptoms. ... anyways. ... iv been so so lucky to have such truly amazing dr / consultants/ surgen.... from dr jackson who was on the ball with the situation to my surgen simon smith who skills and care are absolutely incredible and the kindness is trully grateful. A surgen that without doubt treats people with dignity and respect and is crystal clear every step of the way !!! But....... there was one man that truly touched my heart from the beginning , Mr Hywel Jones. From the second i walk into the pre assessment room mr jones was fantastic. He was kind, he had empathy and reconised i was so poorly . Immediately i felt calm reassured and relaxed it was then i was really excited to know this was almost over and i would feel great again . On the day of the surgery i saw both mr jones and smith it was relaxed i was reassured i knew i was going to be fine. Mr jones came to get me for surgery, and walked with me to theatre, before i went to sleep the people in his team were great full of smiles, help, reassurance . Once i was out and recovering the level of help support and kindness was still impeccable. Mr jones was on leave the date of my surgery and the day after but he came in at 7am to do my op and checked to see how i was doing at 5 pm that day, that is dedication and pure kindness at its highest level. It was not just another person doing a job getting paid following the guide lines . I feel amazing now, i suffer still with graves but the foggy feeling has lifted and i can enjoy my 2 young children again thanks to these guys!! NHS Broomfield you should be proud to have such skilled trusted kind awesome people on board !! Sorry my review is long , but would i highly recommend.????? Do bears ____ in the wood???? Of course !! To Mr Hywel Jones and his team and Mr Smith , thanks millions, stay awesome !!! ;)

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
14th February 2015

Dr Hywel Jones made me feel at ease about having my operation, knowing that I was feeling very nervous. I would never have dreamed about having my operation whilst I was awake but he reassured me that he would be by my side and that he would talk to me during the operation and this is exactly what he did. I'm so glad I had it done and it is thanks to this lovely Dr. Mrs Christine Weller

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
6th February 2015

Dr Jones was the anaesthetist assisting Mr Simon Smith during my Thyroid operation. He was very pleasant and put my mind at rest as I had had a cold and was concerned about having an anaesthetic. He was careful to explain everything to do with his part of the operation and what would happen when I came round from the anaesthetic. This was very reassuring and I couldn't have wish for better treatment. I would thoroughly recommend him.


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Consultant anaesthetist with special interest in Endocrine, ENT, Breast and Orthopaedic surgery.