Dr Hywel Jones was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
12th June 2015

I had a breast enlargement yesterday afternoon 11/6/15 and had Dr Jones as my anaesthetist, I was understandably nervous but Dr Jones calming demeanour put me immediately at ease, he talked me through everything and assured me he would take care of me. I feel that without Dr Jones calming demeanour I really wouldn't of been able to put at ease, after my op he visited me in recovery to ensure I was ok and reassured me that the pain will ease, I'm very thankful for the care he provided and his sensitive attitude towards me and would recommend him to everybody! :)

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
11th June 2015

I appreciated the personalised care I received and the efforts that were made to accommodate my wishes. This includes a significant amount of time taken during consultation to prepare me for a general anaesthetic taking into account a number of previous very difficult experiences which have left me very reluctant to ever have a general anaesthetic again. As a result I have had my last 5 operations performed under local or regional anaesthesia as I refused to have another general anaesthetic. All of my recent experiences of both local, regional and general anaesthetic including 2 cases under the care of Dr Jones, have been very positive. I am confident in the care he provides and his attention to meeting the needs of his patients.The strong teamwork between the anesthetist and surgeon and associated staff was noticeable and enhanced this experience. Thank you

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
10th June 2015

This man went above and beyond the duty of care when a few months ago i had a breast enlargment, dr simon smith was my surgeon and he also is such a lovely man. As soon as i met hywel i instantly liked him, he has such a carming voice and put me at ease straight away telling me about who he was and what was going to happen. It wasnt the operation that went wrong but my reaction the anestetic, i became very poorly and was put on a drip as i couldnt hold down any food, but this man went above and beyond hes duty of care when he stayed by my side when i finally came round making sure i was ok through out the evening, i was so ill i ended up staying till it shut instead of going home a good 3 hours before when i was meant to he stayed with me every step of the way and went finally when i did, he also phoned me up a few days later to make sure i was ok and to make sure i went to the doctors to find out why i reacted like i did to the anestetic, if this isnt caring i dont know what is, i would highly recommend him and simon as they woork great to together and really show they care. #dreamteam

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
10th June 2015

This man went above and beyond the duty of care for me when i had my breast enlargment a few months ago, i had simon smith as my surgeon who is such a lovely man also, it wasnt the operation that went wrong but me coming round to the anistetic badly and it making me very sick, from the moment i met hywel I instantly liked him he had such a carming voice and made me feel at ease as we chatted before my operation about who he is and whats going to happen before hand. when i finally came round from the operation he was by my side and making sure i felt better for the rest of the evening, as I was poorly I had to go on a drip as i couldnt hold any food down, but hes duty of care went above and beyond when he stayed with me and waited till I went home untill he did, and as I was on a day case so i would of been leaving at around 5 but ended up staying there till half 8 as it was shutting as i was so poorly and he even phoned a few days later to check if i was ok and feeling better if that isnt great care i dont know what is, he and simon make a great team and would totally recommend them both. #dreamteam

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
30th May 2015

I recently underwent general anaesthesia under Dr Jones. I have an underlying condition that means sometimes other anaesthetic gasses are used. Dr Jones had huge empathy with my condition and immediately put my mind at ease. I found him extremely engaging and I felt entirely at ease and confident in his skills. He explained every stage of the anaesthetic clearly and I felt I was treated with respect and dignity, skills I would expect from someone with his experience and professionalism. He put me at ease and I felt very confident under his most excellent care.


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Consultant anaesthetist with special interest in Endocrine, ENT, Breast and Orthopaedic surgery.