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Written by a patient
19th April 2018

I have lots of pain. Dr Jaydon has helped me a lot, with 2 approaches. Firstly the medical, by systematically running blood tests, xrays etc to explore and eliminate possible causes of my pain until only FMS is left. He's backed this up with medication prescriptions that have helped. He is very honest with me: getting 40 - 50% improvement and reduction of pain is a realistic goal for these drugs. Secondly he has suggested things I can do for myself, and provided lots of leaflets and written information to extend this teaching. Today he also showed me a very helpful website. I've asked questions and he always answers fully, explaining and disusing my point. He listens well and I feel unafraid to ask further questions, like I asked today about bee venom. This has very powerful chemicals in it, and has been known for centuries to reduce arthritis, and prevent beekeepers getting it. I felt safe enough to ask if a bee venom treatment for FMS was useful? It's a bit of a crank idea, but Dr Jason encourages his patients to feel confident. He was running late, but I mattered more. He took time, made time for me. It was only about 15 mins. all up. My daughter is a GP., a Doctor. A year ago she left the UK. Went to NZ where appointments are 15 mins. To try to fit Reumatologist treatment into 5min slots will hugely reduce the quality of care. Patients would be poorly served and many are older folks, like me, and slower. Or just slower because they are in a lot of pain. Then there is the effect 5 mins appointments will have on staff. This Doctor to start with. He will be very stressed, always unable to offer good care. Also very frustrated. He wants to do well by his patients. And then he will look around for a health system that is sound, is a human workload, as my daughter did. And he will leave the NHS for another country. All the support staff will also be affected, with the knock on affect of a doubled or tripled work load. Many more patients at the Desk, many more in the waiting room, many more toilet visits, corridor seats and nurses and patient management sstaff trying to cope in over crowded, stressful conditions. The current Reumatologist Dept is small, rather shabby. I get the feeling it's not a glamorous, media popular dept like Gynae or Surgery. It's just mostly Old Folks. But remember, we are voters, and we don't forget when our health care is pushed into totally unreasonable management targets. Management needs to step back and take a balance between good care and patient well being.
