
Written by a NHS patient at Lime Tree Surgery
19th December 2021

My family were placed under the care of Dr Mannings after we moved to Worthing in 1987. For me, at 21, he was a refreshing change from the older generation of doctors I'd left behind. Now, 34 years on, having had Dr Mannings as my GP has been one of the few positive aspects of living here. It's never nice having to see a doctor, but once in the consulting room with him I was soon at ease. After I told him the problem, he would almost always ask "you feel alright in yourself though" - a very relevant gauge to a patient's overall health. No other doctor has thought of that. I was then given a clear explanation of the condition, along with the plan of action. I always left satisfied and happier than when I arrived. Great doctor.

Written by a NHS patient at Lime Tree Surgery
16th September 2021

Initially, he was friendly and welcoming but this soon waned when more complex health issues were raised. He often dismissed the correct diagnoses from other doctors and said they were wrong. He quickly became annoyed and impatient when someone had the temerity to question his opinions. As a result of his misdiagnoses, I suffered greatly and wasted many years suffering . If only I had met another doctor when I joined the practice.

Written by a NHS patient at Lime Tree Surgery
16th September 2021

Initially, he was very welcoming but his enthusiasm soon waned when more complex issues were raised. He is always right in what he thinks despite contrary evidence to his diagnosis. When questioned, he became annoyed that someone should have the temerity to actually ask pertinent questions. He refused to accept the correct diagnosis from another doctor and insisted that they were wrong. Had I never met him, I would have been spared a lot of misery. As a consequence, I have wasted a lot of years unnecessarily. I could never recommend him to other patients.


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  • General Practice