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Written by a patient
7th July 2015

Dr. Duncan has always given us great care, listening to our concerns. However two specific conditions recently have beeen dealt with swiftly and efficiently: I rang the triage one morning and was seen later the same morning. Dr. Duncan found my BP and pulse rate to be very low and having quickly done an ECG she said I had had a heart attack and had got heart block. She called an ambulance which came within minutes and took me to Kettering General Coronary Unit where Dr. Heatherington and his team were waiting for me to put in stents straightaway. I now live a normal life. Secondly, my wife, Jenny has been suffering great pain when walking and having beeen referred by Dr. Perryer to Northampton general to see Dr. Mundy, Dr. Duncan requested a hip replacement op. which NGH have scheduled for 5th August; much quicker than we thought. Dr. Duncan also instigated a smoking cessation programme which jenny has started and will hopefully lead to a smoke-free future. One reads so many complaints about GPs' services and the NHS in general that when things work well and smoothly, which is more often than not, I think all concerned deserve our sincere thanks. Perry Thomas Jeenny Thomas
