Dr Ahmed Mayet was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
8th January 2011

Dr Mayet has been my doctor for just over 2 years, since I moved to Witham, well I say 2 years but I have only just been registered with him as I was originally assigned to another doctor in the same practise but I like Dr Mayet so he has always been the Doctor I have asked to see so recently I have officially moved to him. I would obviously rather not see a doctor at all but recently I have been diagnosed with a fairly serious problem that means I need to see one fairly regular. Dr Mayets diagnosis of my issues has been very impressive, I suffer from a rare condition that has shown itself up as COPD and he could easily have stuck with that diagnosis, luckily he decided he wanted me to go for some futher tests which have shown a much more serious problem, I am sure a large number of doctors I have used in the past would have been happy with the first diagnosis. I have found Dr Mayet to be very helpful and he has always given me the time required to ask the questions that I need to in my current situation, One helpful thing that he does is always have some form of printed out information (either from the internet or prepared by him) ready for me when I go there so I am able to take something away to read later. I find that his communication skills are excellent, I am sure that during recent vists I have the appearance of a villiage idiot as I sit there trying to take everything in and understand what is going wrong with my body, he knows exactly what level of language I require to help me understand the problems and what will happen to me going forward, he has also been very through with the information he has given me, so much so that the consultants I am now seeing are impressed with 'my' level of knowledge. I am also a recent ex smoker and normally that is a good reason for a lecture from the doctor, all smokers know they shouldnt smoke (its not new...) Dr Mayet has never lectured me on it, he has appreciated my situation where being stressed and trying to give up smoking isnt easy, but he has provided me with all the help and support I needed to give up - without treating me like a child.... I have now quit smoking, it was my 5th attempt, but a lot easier with his support. I would certainly recommend Dr Mayet to anyone in the area, so much so my partner now sees him when required.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
29th December 2010

After some initial hesitation in his diagnosis, Dr Mayet realised how ill I was and sent me straight to hospital. This action probably saved my life. He has since been very thorough with my aftercare. Dr Mayet sent me for routine blood tests and x-rays after my initial stay in hospital. These showed I still had the infection and fluid on my lungs which resulted in my return to hospital. I am now on my way to making a full recovery thanks to Dr Mayet's continued care.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
27th December 2010

Dr Ahmed Mayet is very patient, explains everything clearly, simply fantastic.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
22nd December 2010

Dr Mayet is young, keen to help his patients and popular, but sometimes gives the appearance of not listening to all the patient has to say about their symptoms, as he has such a big workload and is keen to get through the consultation in the shortest time possible. This is true of other doctors at the same practice. Overall, he is very competent and keeps up to date with the latest medical practises.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
17th December 2010

I find Dr Mayet very caring, and has time to listen and explain things to you very clearly in a language you understand.


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Specialises in

  • General Practice