Dr Ahmed Mayet was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
22nd October 2014

For me Dr Mayet was a new Doctor. He looked at my age and situation and was able to make an interesting and helpful course of action. He also suggested an addition to my treatment, but as I was not confident we withheld that bit of treatment. I then studied/reviewed the facility, covering a wide range of information and at my latest review informed Dr Mayet that I would like to take the extra treatment. We discussed the process and I willingly took his advice knowing that should I have a problem he would help me to overcome them. I am due for another review in about 2 months to see how I am progressing. So far, it seems to me that the help I have received has been of great help to me feeling fit and healthy. Dr Mayet is not only friendly and helpful but seems to understand me very well.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
12th October 2014

Dr Mayet both listens and communicates well and clearly has patient well-being as his primary focus. Is thorough and reacts promptly to all issues providing positive advise and guidance whatever the situation

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
15th September 2014

Dr Mayet has been brilliant concerning my care during a very difficult time with polymyalgia rheumatic. Initially I was not the easiest of patients primarily because I was terrified of taking steroids, given their appalling reputation. However regular blood tests and consultations helped to calm me down, and although taking steroids is not the most wonderful of experiences, with Dr Mayet's encouragement I was able to reduce the dosage significantly. My main criticism, which I discussed with Dr Mayet was that there was no guidance available at the surgery regarding steroids in the same way that diabetic and asthmatic patients receive extra support. I feel this would have been very helpful in the initial stages.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
18th March 2014

Doctor Mayet has been my family doctor since last year. Our youngest son has a complex long term condition and his care for him has been outstanding. Not only has his clinical care been spot-on, his proactive approach to linking up with our son's specialist clinical team has been outstanding. We have every confidence in his care and he treats us with respect and understanding, going thre extra mile to help at every turn. I am fortunate to know Dr Mayet as a colleague too (I'm not clinical) and I know him to be passionately involved in shaping the commissioning and primary care landscape for the people of mid Essex. Dr Mayet represents all that is good about familiy doctors and emplifies the finest qualities of a modern GP. We feelk very lucky to have him as our doctor

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
14th March 2014

I am really happy with Dr Mayet, he takes time to listen to my problems/concerns and is able to advise me in a way that I can understand. He really comes across as a person who wants to make people feel and be better and is a real credit to Fern House Surgery


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Specialises in

  • General Practice