Dr Ahmed Mayet was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
14th March 2019

Very understanding and helpful doctor. He never dismisses patients opinions or concerns. He has been looking after me and my family for the last 10 years. I definitely recommend him as your GP doctor.

Written by a carer at Fern House Surgery
2nd March 2019

Absolutely awful GP, will not visit again will travel further and go to walk-in centre in Colchester if Dr Mayet is the only option. Took my child and explained the ailment. When I said we had tried an antibiotic ointment from the pharmacy he told me you can't buy them over the counter hmm maybe he should pop into a pharmacy sometime soon. Gave a prescription and gave my child a leaflet to let us know we should in future check NHS.uk instead of wasting his time (note this was implied not actually spoken). I quick check on the NHS website told me the advice was to visit the GP with the symptoms displayed. It's a sad day when GP doesn't want to help patients. Wouldn't mind if I was the sort of person to run to the GP every 5 minutes but we always visit the pharmacy for advice first.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
15th December 2018

doctor mayat has been one of the most helpful doctors i have ever had the pleasure of meeting he listened to me and seemed to actually want to help me get my problems sorted out he gave me advice and he made me feel completely at ease i would strongly recommend him to anyone thank you terry pawley

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
5th December 2018

I have been suffering from sciatica since early September. After 2 weeks I saw Dr Summers who prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug. I returned to the surgery after I'd had it a month as it was still troubling me and saw Dr Mayet. I requested an MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis as some years earlier had cancer. Dr Mayet arranged this and blood tests and prescribed Amytriptyline. I understood it would be quite a while before there would be any results of the scan but was relieved and appreciative when Dr Mayet took the trouble to ring me with the good result just a day before I went on holiday. So I have greater peace of mind but still have sciatica ! However, Dr Mayet is encouraging and treats one like an adult so I'll just have to keep taking the tablets and hope it goes soon.

Written by a patient at Fern House Surgery
22nd November 2018

Dr Mayet makes me feel completely at ease and I always find him very informative, On all my visits I leave knowing that his giving me the best care possible. I have to attend the practise regularly and have seen many Doctors over the years, I’m now totally confident knowing that his looking after my different conditions from knee problems to a deficiency issue. I like the fact that nothing is sugar coated and he provides me with clear relevant facts, this is exactly what a GP should do!


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Specialises in

  • General Practice