Mr Yadava Jeve was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Priory Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
6th March 2022

The path of infertility is toxic when not handled with the right tools. I believe a very important tool in our desperate struggle to have a baby is the right medical support. Understanding the cause of the infertility, the nature of it, its consequences, and the possible ways to rectify it are essential from the medical point of view. But there is so much more than hormonal injections, sterile encounters with medics and nurses, routine blood tests and medical observation to fertility. See, what I painfully learned from seeing 3 fertility specialists before Dr. Jadava Jeve, is that I needed a doctor to do all that medical side, but I also desperately needed a human being to listen to me patiently and with empathy, to answer my never-ending list of absurd questions, treat me with kindness and compassion at the most vulnerable stage of my life. It’s hard to be rendered defected by society when you want to have a baby, and the fertility medical world sees to it that we hear it loud and clear through the language that is used and the standard protocols they treat us with. The last thing you need is to go through all that struggle with a stone-cold doctor that sees you only as a number in a statistic on his website. I knew Dr. Jeve was different from our 1st appointment. Not only that he listened patiently to everything I had to say, but he also remembered and wrote down, and made mind maps to explain to me in ways I can understand what the issues. All the other doctors dismissed my comments, ignoring my concerns completely and pushing me to sign the IVF papers from the 1st visit. I refused; it didn’t feel right knowing there should be a gradual route to that last resort. And I was right. Not everyone needs the same treatment course, not everyone needs to undergo IVF from the very beginning, even when you’re 41. We are all different, and our treatment plan should be reflecting that individuality. We agreed on a strategy together which left IVF as the last option, and 4 months later I got pregnant, with twins, without IVF. Yes, I had to do hormonal treatment as per Dr. Jeve’s instruction before and during the 1st trimester, but I now understood the logic behind everything which helped my mind finally help my body through it. I cannot thank Dr. Jeve enough for making me feel like a human being and help me the way he did, and I cannot recommend him enough if you struggle with infertility.

Written by a private patient at Birmingham Women's Hospital
21st February 2022

I never thought that we will meet a doctor as great and kind like Mr Yadava Jeve. Always there to help us and very very professional and kind person. If you need help in fertility couse,do not look further,highly recommend Doctor Yadava Jeve

Written by a private patient at The Priory Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
8th February 2022

I first contacted Dr Yadava Jeve after trying to conceive my second child. It had been 2 years and we were losing hope. The consultation with Dr Yadava Jeve renewed our hope, we came away feeling positive and ready to take the next step. I had expected my opinions to be swept aside as I was not the Dr, but it was the reverse. My thoughts were taken into account and we came to a ‘solution’ collaboratively. Dr Jeve performed a HyCoSy treatment and to my surprise it was painless! Fortunately for me it worked and within 3 months I was pregnant! I can’t thank Dr Jeve enough for his support, advice and expertise. I would highly recommend Dr Yadava Jeve.

Written by a NHS patient at Birmingham Women's Hospital
3rd February 2022

I was referred to mr jeve and when I had my consultation with him, He arranged for a scan and listened to me. That day he wished me good luck and gave me his blessing. When I went for scan I found out I conceived naturally. Today I had the pleasure of personally thanking him. Couldn’t thank mr jeve enough for taking the time to speak to me and wish me luck.

Written by a private patient at The Priory Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
25th January 2022

After having been referred for IVF to create fertility via the NHS and having a failed IVF round, we thought becoming pregnant without IVF would be impossible. Even the consultant at create told us we had a low egg reserve and need to have IVF as soon as possible as the egg count was declining. We decided to do our own research and came across Dr Jeve. Thanks to the amazing research, knowledge and guidance provided by Dr Jeve we are now 3 months pregnant without going through IVF. Dr Jeve looks at every case individually, there’s no set plan for all the same patients. We were given 3 rounds of Clomid tablets (which should have been offered on the NHS but wasn’t). Not only did Dr Jeve provide us with the best healthcare but also guided us a life coach to reassure us there was nothing wrong with us. Thanks to his expertise our dream of becoming parents has became a reality. If anyone should be entitled to the NHS contract for IVF it should be this consultant who goes out of his way for his patients and really does make miracles happen. I would recommend this consultant to anyone having fertility problems.


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Mr Yadava Jeve is a fertility consultant at BMI The Priory Hospital in Birmingham and the Birmingham Women’s Hospital. He is an accredited subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. He is a specialist in various fertility investigations and treatments including IVF, ICSI, egg freezing, poor ovarian response, recurrent implantation failure, premature ovarian insufficiency, donor egg treatment, surrogacy, and reproductive endocrinology. He is a competent laparoscopic and hysteroscopy surgeon with a special interest in managing conditions affecting fertility.