Mr Vasileios Arzoglou was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
11th February 2016

Mr Arzoglou is the first Consultant I have ever met who listens and explains everything carefully. I had the utmost confidence in him. However, not only Mr Arzoglou but the staff at the hospital. Having been in pain for so long it was such a relief when I had my operation. I have done everything I was advised to do, my recovery improves daily and I cannot thank Mr Arzoglou enough for carrying out the procedures to alleviate my problems. I could not recommend Mr Arzoglou too highly to anyone needing his expertise. I am only sorry there are not more consultants of his ilk.

Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
20th January 2016

OMG. I have fallen in Love with Mr Vasileios Arzoglou. He is amazing :-) !!!!!!!! I have always been a very independent woman but for the last two years of my life, I have found that issues with my back were slowly stopping me from being as fit as I would have liked, the issues were becoming so bad that I had to stop the active love of my life; the gym. After seeing two GP's regarding my back with no satisfying answers, I proceeded to asked for someone who specialises in spines as I knew my body would never give up on me that easily without good reason. Luckily I was referred to Mr Arzoglou, who after ten minutes of communication put the biggest smile on my face and in my heart for a long, long time. Mr Arzoglou simplified what the issues were with my vertebras & disc and the probable cause of it too, he then explained to me exactly which procedure he would perform on me to rectify the situation. He made me aware of all of the risks involved and wrote the procedure down so I could continue more research on his talented work. Mr Arzoglou's confidence gained my trust immediately as he was the first professional person to give me answers that made sense instead of being vague and blaming my pain on some other ridiculous cause. Immediately after surgery I felt perfect!!!!!!! I wiggled every part of my body.........No numbness, No pain at all........all disappeared as in magic. My recovery was very quick, I was out of hospital within two days and I felt as if I could tackle the world again within two weeks but under strict instruction I was able to relax and recover a little while longer. I am sure that Mr Arzoglou will have an influx of patients asking for him by name as I am living proof of his dedicated work. If Mr Arzoglou ever needs any help in the future, I am eternally in his debt for his dedication.

Written by a patient at Castle Hill Hospital
16th November 2015

Mr Vasileios Arzoglou. Whilst first waiting to see Mr Arzoglou, I was deteriorating quickly with my condition, and panicking over how much longer I could leave my appointment because of my inability to walk far and was really worried if I got to the stage of needing a wheelchair for mobility, if it would then be beyond repair. I first talked to Mr Arzoglou's secretary Julianna, and after explaining my situation. Julianna was very understanding and could not have been more helpful, and although Julianna was very busy, and Mr Arzoglou was due to go on holiday, I have no doubt there must have been some difficulty arranging a consultation. However Mr Arzoglou managed to make time to see me, whilst on his ward rounds at Hull Royal infirmary. From my first seeing Mr Arzoglou my mind was put at rest and I had complete trust in him. I would like to say that although I was stressed, all the staff that I spoke to, had nothing but praise for Mr Arzoglou, mainly his ability and professionalism but also his concern for each of his patients. He was held in the highest respect by each member of staff I spoke too. My operation was done a short time after Mr Arzoglou's return. Everything that he had told me would happen - did happen (I had also been made aware of the risks as well ), and the outcome of the surgery was also just as it should have been from the best case scenario. Although I seem to have a long way to go because of other complications not related to this surgery, (severe arthritis in the hip, being one of them ), and I may need further spinal surgery that I have been made aware of, later after hip surgery, due to a degenerative disorder. I can only hope that Mr Arzoglou will still be available to look after me once again. Anyone reading this review - I hope will be re-assured that you will have the best possible care if Mr Arzoglou is the surgeon looking after you. It is also very fitting that Mr Arzoglou already a surgeon who's reputation precedes him, also has a secretary in Julianna who absolutely complements his professionalism. Great team, could not wish for better.

Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
28th October 2015

Mr A was excellent in all respects, from first meeting to final discharge. i had every confidence in him and am pleased to say my operation went very well. Hull Royal Infirmary was unfortunately not so good and i felt let down by the lack of communication between the various staff, which caused some problems with my aftercare. I have to say that despite this I found ALL the staff very pleasant indeed. . .

Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
15th October 2015

This Surgeon is a really efficient and approachable man. He explained everything in great detail and I had complete confidence in him. The care I received pre and post op was good even though the ward was extremely busy. The day after the operation I was doing ok although I felt I was not emptying my bladder properly, I did tell the staff on two occasions about this. Before I was cleared for discharge a Doctor came to check my drain and he did spend a long time looking at it and I wondered if he was concerned with the content. I was prescribed morphine pre op as my blood pressure was very high and this continued after the operation. The morphine made me very unconcerned about what was happening! After I was discharged I did not do well, I felt very dizzy, short of breath and sickly. My husband contacted our GP and it was agreed that I discontinue the morphine and was given anti emetics. I continued to feel dizzy and had ringing in my ears, I contacted the GP and was told that I probably had vertigo and was prescribed some medication for that which I did not take as it was contraindicated with high blood pressure and I believed my bp was too high. Two days later I had a wound check with the nurse at my GP and she took my bp and found it was very high. I had to return later to see a GP and was prescribed amlodipine which I am still taking. I had blood tests and was found to be anaemic and other abnormalities which needed treating. My point is, I was discharged too quickly and had post op complications which could have been dangerous. My follow-up was a phone call from the physiotherapist five weeks after the operation and because of the problems I was having I was referred for another MRI scan. The physio felt that I should have had a bladder scan also on the ward. I understand that because of the pressure on the NHS a quick turnover of patients is required but if I had stayed in another day, my blood pressure, anaemia and bladder problems would have been spotted and dealt with immediately and my recovery would have been better. I have seen the Consultant recently for follow-up and have been discharged. He confirmed that I was un realistic about what I should be doing physically and I wish I had seen him months ago as I would have known better what I should be doing. I phoned in sick for my job (staff nurse on Medical Outpatients) June 2014, had my MRI scan in December 2014, my operation February 2015. I have had to leave work as this has taken so long and the pressure to return to work was too stressful.


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