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Written by a patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
27th June 2018

In 1985 at aged 21 I agreed to have experimental surgery to avoid a permanent illeostomy. The results were only partially succesful. As a result I needed corrective surgery 20 years later after years of difficulties. At my lowest ebb physically and emotionally I met Simon Radley. It is no exaggeration to say he changed my life completely. He agreed to do a further 3 surgeries over 18 months. Not a simple or quick fix but he was prepared to try and assured me whatever the result I could not be worse off than I was. He is quiet, calm, professional and compassionate with skills second to none. Explaining everything with confidence and clarity it was as important to him as it was to me that he tried to put me back together again. I was incredibly lucky to have found him and eternally grateful for what he was prepared to do for me. A man in a million and I still raise a glass to him now and again several years later as I am fitter and healthier than I ever dared hope. Thank you Mr Radley you deserve a medal.

Written by a patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
23rd July 2017

Joint effort between neurosurgery for treatment of a complex dermal sinus. Operation didn't go to plan and recovery was longer than expected. Mr Radley was left to pick up the pieces, however he did so very well and is a fanatic surgeon with Great people skills and real empathy

2nd May 2015

A wise, considered opinion. I saw Mr Radley having been referred by another surgeon who had let me down. Mr Radley made a verbal commitment to 'look after me' which I really needed to hear at that stage. Although he felt I would be better treated by another surgical colleague he ensured that this happened promptly (the next working day) and I was very satisfied with the way he managed me. I would thoroughly recommend this doctor.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery