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Written by a patient
25th March 2016

I first saw Professor Lambert at Stanmore hospital in January 2013. After 4 years of my views and opinions being overlooked by my consultant I had been under, I went though several operations, each time making the whole thing worse. I went to see the physiotherapist that worked with the consultant. She was fantastic, listened to what I was telling her. With in a couple of months she knew I needed to see a specialist. I was not getting any benefit from the sessions. It got to the point where she would spend the whole physio session trying to reduce my subluxated humorous. After my last operation to try and hold my shoulder in the correct position, within 3 days of the operation the muscle spasms that I had been having for over yr and half were so strong they snapped the ligaments that had been repaired plus did more damage as well. It was after meeting in London, my consulant met Professor Lamberts lead Physiotherapist and he said to refer me to Professor Lambert. I am so pleased that he referred me. The first time I saw Professor Lambert he sat and asked about my problem and other health problems that I had, what medication I was on. I actually felt like I was being treated seriously. He said the position I was in was like standing on the edge of a cliff with one foot, hurricane force winds blowing at me from my back and the ground crumbling under my foot. He was right. I was on the edge with no where to go and no one to help me. He said he could hopefully help. I said even a diagnosis of what was happening would be great. I sat on the examination table with my top off. He was stood at the side of me and his head physio was behind me. Within a few minutes of examining me they came up with a couple of diagnosis. I couldn't believe it. So long I had waited to find out what was wrong. I have Subscapular Dystonia, Cervical Dystonia and Scoliosis. I sat with tears in my eyes, it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off me. After being told it was all in my head and I just needed to retrain my brain to recognise my left arm as being fully functioning just like my right arm was.This was the light at the end of the tunnel I had been looking for. Professor Lambert referred me to a Rheumatologist whom he worked closely with. She confirmed Fibromyalgia in every trigger point but also said that due to a problem with my ligaments and tendons I was unable to have any joint replacements or surgery to tighten my ligaments and tendons. After a yr and half Professor Lambert did an Arthroscopy on my left shoulder. He was astonished at the state of my shoulder. There were remnants of previous attempts to stop my shoulder dislocating and subluxing. The anchor points were visible but that was it. The worst thing was that the surface of every bone that makes up the shoulder had been eaten away by Arthritis. We discussed his findings over the phone, as I live so far away from London, and although he could do Total Shoulder Arthroplasty it was decided to leave it. Taking into account the advice of Rheumatologist and that because the spasms couldn't be stopped (even after trying Botox injections done by Mr. Edwards). The spasms would pull the metal shoulder apart and 6 months down the line I would be back to square one. Professor Lambert has kept me on his open discharge list and every yr I get either a phone call from nurse specialist or I get a former to fill out saying anything I think Professor Lambert needs to know If I ever need him I know he's just at the end of the phone.
