
Written by a private patient at Spire Cardiff Hospital
4th May 2024

I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome and am under investigation for Bethlem myopathy due to a col6 variant being found upon recent NHS genetic assessment. My conditions involve widespread and severe generalized hypermobility, causing dislocations requiring surgical stabilization and even joint replacements at a young age. Upon giving my history during our consultation, Mr Nannapaneni retorted ‘none of what you’ve mentioned means anything to me’ - I immediately realized I had been referred to the wrong consultatant. Whilst measuring my ability to touch my toes he laughed and said ‘wow, fantastic, you are flexible’. As a medical professional claiming to treat hyper mobile spines, he should be aware that Hypermobility and flexibility are two very different beasts. It was then decided I have wear and tear despite no imaging (which was eventually prescribed) and assessed ‘you can’t have CCI or instability due to lack of neck mobility’. Mr Nanapaneeni contradicted himself multiple times stating the stiffness was due to instability but it wasn’t CCI and stiffness was required due to Hypermobility but I wasn't hyper mobile (score of 9 on the Beighton scale): All the while, an extremely condescending look on his face whilst he told me ‘these things are nuanced and complicated but you are fine’. Please do not visit with EDS related conditions - the consultant himself admitted he had very little prior knowledge. Mr Nannapaneni was rude and dismissive - a very difficult character who paid very little attention to symptoms and whom I’m sorry to have wasted my BUPA outpatient allowance on.

Written by a private patient at Spire Cardiff Hospital
5th May 2022

I had an appointment with Mr Nannapaneni very recently (May 2022). I broke my c2 twice last year and it took me 10 months to find a good and honest neurosurgeon who diagnosed it at a hospital in London. I went to Mr Nannapaneni to ask for opinions on my neck fusion in Poland (NHS thought it was okay to leave me with atlanto axial instability and to not fix something that was caused by them missing the fracture....). Unfortunately, there was a mix up and my CT scan of my fusion wasn't available on the disc at the time of app. This was a shame and yes I think Mr Nannapaneni was keen to review this and it would have been good to have his opinion. Nannapaneni is a well respected, knowledgeable and skilled surgeon. Unfortunately, I did not benefit from this. Due to my neck issues and possible EDS (for which I am waiting genetic results thanks to NHS again), I along with others with neck instability are treated with zero respect and much hostility/condescension. Mr Nannapaneni said he had looked at my CT scan in August and that it looked okay, to which I said that another neurosurgeon noticed and this is in his words "a clear and obvious fracture of the c2" - thankfully I have written evidence of these findings. To which, I had the response "so what if you did break your neck? bones heal". Well it matters to me, because before this I was working full time and fit and active with no health issues. A neglected broken neck led to ligament damage, diagnosed c1-c2 instability, possible CCI, and Eagles syndrome with a styloid that is compressing an internal jugular vein as well as possible tethered cord. I tried to explain my medical history, that when I was 5 years old, there were concerns over tethered cord and these are in my medical notes. It is possible that I have occult tethered cord, which is from birth and cannot be seen in a standard lumbar mri, yet Mr Nannapaneni who is an expert on this, did not advise me to have the prone lumbar mri scan which is needed. I actually have had more help and kindness in Poland from surgeons there who are aware of CCI. I now have a scan booked there to investigate this, but why should I pay again? I showed Mr Nannapaneni my throat dismotility (my throat crunches every time I swallow). I used the words partially paralysed as it feels that way. Instead of helping me find a solution, he criticised my use of terminology. So I said okay it is dismotile and I have actually had this diagnosed by a kind head and neck surgeon in London who said it was do with my neck. Mr Nannapaneni says throat dismotility has nothing to do with neck injury, well I suggest that he researches clicking larynx syndrome which is caused by neck trauma and sometimes cranial settling.My symptoms match this syndrome perfectly. I was also asked if I have seen a psychologist/psychiatrist. Yes I have and they said I am physical ill. Before I broke my neck, I had 100% attendance as a postwoman for 5 years. I was very well functioning. I had projects and plans. I was always busy and positive. It is insulting and unhelpful for someone to deny my very real and visible symptoms and to attribute it to anxiety. But if you google Craniocervical Instability EDS and UK in google news, you will all see what the NHS is doing to people with this condition. I thought that may be because mine was caused by a broken neck that I may actually receive some help. I wouldn't suggest visiting Mr Nannapaneni with cranio-cervical junction abnormalities or occult tethered cord suspicions unless you want to be belittled. The only positive thing I have to say is that the receptionist at Spire Cardiff was friendly.


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  • Neurosurgery