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Written by a patient
12th January 2020

After a routine mammogram I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in my right breast - fortunately caught very early as it was less than 1cm. I was put under the care of Mr Paul Thiruchelvam, and he was very professional and thorough in explaining the treatment options. I opted to have a lumpectomy, which was performed less than 3 weeks after my initial consultation. On the day of the surgery, Mr Thiruchelvam briefed his team very thoroughly, and was aided by his colleague Dan Leff who worked on my left breast to aid the symmetrical aspect of my breasts following surgery. Mr Thiruchelvam advised a vertical scar mammoplasty for my right breast as the best way of achieving a good shape and look. It is early days and I have yet to undergo radiotheraphy, where I understand the shape of the breast is likely to change, but certainly the initial results look good. I do have pain from the removal of three lymph nodes, but that is gradually improving. Overall the standard of care has been excellent, and I felt treated by Mr Thiruchelvam with professionalism, thoughtfulness and kindness throughout. I should also add that all the Breast Care nurses that I met have been universally lovely! Let's hope the politicians put their money where their mouths are and increase their support for the NHS and its staff....
