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Written by a NHS patient
27th April 2023

For a number of years I have suffered from Dupuytren's contracture of the little finger of my right hand. In 2019 I was accepted as part of a trial for a collagen injection to address the condition. Initially this procedure carried out in November 2019 was very successful, but gradually and then rather suddenly the condition returned. In September 2022 Mr Goon reviewed my condition and decided that a dermofasciectomy was required. By this time the finger was so severely bent that I was concerned that it would not be possible to correct the contracture. I need not have worried. In November 2022 Mr Goon performed the surgery at the Lister Hospital under an arm block anaesthetic. I was at ease during the two hour procedure and I could hear Mr Goon describing the work and passing on his knowledge and experience to his junior colleague. Afterwards some of the stitching of the skin graft was undertaken by the colleague and the whole team did an excellent job. Within a couple of weeks of the procedure I had good use of the finger and after a few more weeks the function of the finger was back to normal. I have complete flexibilty of the finger which is completely straight. Moreover contrary to what I had expected the finger after five months shows hardly any sign of the surgery. Nobody in everyday circumstances would notice that the finger had been operated on. This was fantastic treatment from Mr Goon and his team and I am deeply grateful to them for this outstanding work under the NHS at the Lister Hospital.
