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Written by a NHS patient
18th February 2021

PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE DUE TO HAVE A HYCOSYS PROCEDURE! I had a HyCosys procedure carried out today by Mr Mohsen El-Sayed (along with his nurse Emily) as i have PCOS. I was extremely nervous, especially after all the reviews I had read about how painful it was! People had said they were passing out from the pain, and it was the most painful experience they had had etc. It's for this reason i want to give my own opinion... I can only give a review for my own personal experience and im sure everyone is different, but this procedure was no where near as bad as everyone had made out. I have a tilted cervix which makes smear tests uncomfortable for me, and i was worried that this would make the HyCosys extra painful. But Mr Mohsen El-Sayed and his nurse Emily were so reassuring and promised that if anything was too uncomfortable they would stop. The procedure took around 20 minutes in total, and the doctor explained everything he could see on the screen as we went along. I felt fully involved and informed about what was happening and also fully in control. In terms of pain, I found 80% of the procedure completely pain free. The other 20% was mildly uncomfortable, but for me it was nothing worse than regular period cramps - completely manageable. Luckily, both my fallopian tubes were clear, and im not sure if the discomfort would be different if they were blocked but i just want to reassure people who are due to have a HyCosys - I read all these reviews before i went and i really worked myself up and made it into a much bigger deal than it was. I nearly didn't go! And honestly, if i had to have another one done again i really wouldn't be stressed about it. I hope this review reassures anyone due to have this procedure - you've got this!
