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Written by a private patient
12th May 2021

For the past 11 years, I had been battling severe degenerative disc disease, which had sadly deteriorated to such an extent, that I had been living with chronic, agonising and never ending sciatic pain in my lower back, which would then spread into both my legs. This resulted in me suffering with constant numbness and pins and needles. Over the years, the weakness in my legs had increased. Quite often, I have had to rely on my crutches to get around. I had been under the care of an NHS hospital, but after a while, as my condition was chronic and degenerative, the doctors felt that there was nothing more that they could do for me. This resulted in me suffering 3 episodes of temporary paralysis over the last 2 years. After doing some research on the internet, I found Mr Lester Wilson. After reading that he specialises in treating conditions of the lumbar spine, I decided to book an appointment to meet with him to discuss my condition, to see if he could help me in any way. During my first consultation with me, he thoroughly reviewed all my scans and MRI's and x-rays that I had previously undergone at an NHS hospital. He had gotten them all transferred over to the private hospital that I had come to for my appointment. After reviewing all the scans, he showed me the scans. Mr wilson also took time to help me understand how the spine works and showed me how my spine is different to everyone else's. He was very patient with me. A thorough examination of my lumbar spine and legs was carried out, to see how much my spinal conditioned deteriorated. He then discussed all the possible treatment options that were appropriate for me. I had two more follow up appointments with mr Wilson, as he had asked me to go away and think about the surgical options that we had discussed during my first follow up appointment. Mr Wilson knew how anxious I had become about agreeing to undergo surgery. He very reassuringly explained that I was very much in need of a double level decompression and fusion of the L4-l5, l5-S1 region of my lumbar spine. Mr Wilson took the time to talk me through the surgery that would be undergoing. I was also given all the information that I would need with regards to the pre-assessments that would be carried out a few weeks before my admission to The Wellington Hospital. Mr Wilson's secretary kept in touch with me and ensured that i was always kept in the loop with everything that was happening and with regard to all my appointments that I had with him, to confirm the timings and dates of all my appointments with him. This included ensuring that I had all the appropriate information with regards to my pre-op assessment and to how my pre-assessments would be carried out. All my pre-op checks were carried out a week before my surgery over the phone in January, while London was still in lockdown due to the pandemic. I was admitted to the Wellington Hospital on the 26th of january 2021 for my surgery. Post surgery I have been pain free and can now look forward to being pain free for as long as possible. Overall, i think that Mr wilson is a terrific consultant. He works with a wonderful team who are also very good at communicating with patients. Mr wilson is a very understanding doctor. He is very good at explaining things to his patients, even if he has to repeat himself a few times. He spends time talking to patients with regard to their specific situation and allows them to ask any questions or queries they may have with regard to any treatment options that may be available to them. He is very reassuring, he is easy to talk to and he is able to put his patients at ease. I was very anxious during my admission, but Mr Wilson came to see me on the day of my surgery, to ensure that I was happy with eveything that would be happening during my surgery. He reassured me that I would be in great hands and that he would personally be overseeing all my care. He came to check in on me a few times post-op, as he wanted to ensure that I was receiving the best care possible. I am and will always be very very grateful for everything Mr Wilson has done for me. He has not only saved my lumbar spine, but he has also given me back my legs and my life. I would highly recommend Mr Wilson to anyone who suffers with lower back conditions.
