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4th May 2021

I was introduced to Mr Akrawi in the new year of 2021, following a referral for ongoing problems of my left knee 'locking out,' this was getting more & more frequent & on occasions lasted up to 5 days causing severe pain & discomfort. Following an MRI in February I was scheduled for an operation to repair a meniscus tear & anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Due to Covid 19 restrictions this was delayed very slightly & I was delighted to get the call to have the op early April. During each consultation Mr Akwari clearly talked everything through with me, he was very considerate & on one occasion when he could see how nervous I was pre-op when examining my knee with my fear of it 'locking out,' he went & asked a nurse to come in & hold my hand (despite me being a fairly tough 51 year old mum). I half expected waking up from the operation with a knee brace given the surgery performed & from previous experiences - but true to his word his fabulous repair work allowed me to be on crutches for a limited time and soon walking around after a couple of weeks with a physio programme in place and prompt for me to use an exercise bike. Just seen him 3 weeks after surgery & he is delighted with my progress & happy for me to drive again within a couple of weeks! I would have no hesitation in recommending Mr Akrawi and his wonderful caring team at Chapel Allerton . Thank you all!
