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Written by a NHS patient
31st March 2023

Having sustained severe spiral fractures to both tibia and fibula in a workplace accident. on the 16/03/2022 the air ambulance which was minutes from pickup to be airlift me to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness it was cancelled at the last minute as it not deemed to be a compound fracture despite the trauma and significant bend in the lower half of my right leg. I was then taken by road to Broadford Hospital which was a torturous journey requiring stops to readjust my leg due to the severity of my pain and the shocking state of the roads. On arrival at Broadford it was established that I should definitely be in Raigmore hospital to facilitate the operation needed to repair my broken limb however the paramedics were out of hours and when they were ready to move me the next day unfortunately there was a shortage of beds in Raigmore hospital. This meant that I was in Broadford for 4 days from the 16th through to the 19th March 2022. Despite the Doctor in Broadford's best efforts to get me moved to Raigmore. The decision was made to move me to Raigmore regardless as time was marching on any further delays would be counter productive to the rehabilitation of my leg. On arrival at Raigmore I had to wait in the corridor with the paramedics as Raigmore weren't informed that I was arriving and they still didn't have a bed for me. They were on the verge of sending me back to Broadford but luckily they managed to make a bed available. In the early hours of the morning I was moved and put on ward 4 as I was told they needed my bed. On Monday 21/03/22 whereby a CT scan indicated I had a third fracture near my ankle. I was operated on that same day. I did not come round well at all from the operation as I had been pumped full of pain relief twice within minute's of each other. This was so severe that they were on the verge of counteracting all my pain relief. but by a stroke of luck this was not necessary as after an hour or so on oxygen I came round. Friday 26/03/22. I was discharged from Raigmore to undertake a 3 hour journey back to North end of Skye without blood thinners despite myself and my husband been shown to administer these injections. The subsequent blood clot that I attained which caused me excruciating pain over the weekend was caught just in time by my GP in Portree who ensured I got blood thinning drugs. Fort Willaim Hospital confirmed blood clot behind my knee cap. For 10months I underwent Physio, two follow up appointments in Raigmore, Where despite my insistence that something was definitely amiss with the rehabilitation of my leg. This has been nothing short of negligence, that is until Mr. H Akrawi became involved. We attended Mr H Akrawi clinic in Raigmore after having to insist that my Physio in Portree write a letter asking for a second opinion. After 10 months of being ignored Mr Akrawi listened to what I had to say and he quickly established that the operation hadn't been a success and that my leg was 2cm shorter with my foot being a good 10 degrees off to the right and my kneecap not sitting right. We could see from the outset that Mr Akrawi had my welfare at heart and he assured us that he could fix my leg. He also made us aware that as the fractures had healed we could have a significant wait for the operation. although time was of the essence to prevent further damage. Considering Mr Akrawi's integrity and bedside manner we decided there and then that he was the only one we could trust to rectify what was really a bad job. First meeting with Mr Akrawi has been nothing short of brilliant despite the devastation of having all metal work out, Tibia and Fibula rebroken, bone graft from hip and new metal work put in place. His empathetic nature has shone through throughout. The damage control that Mr Akrawi has effected has been very rapid in its outcome showing that not only does he have his patients welfare at heart but also as far as we can see he has upheld the reputation of Raigmore hospital. Mr. Akrawi conducted my operation on the 23/02/23 in what was a very complex operation where I was operated on for a good 4 and half to five hour spell. this operation has been a resounding success and my leg is perfectly straight. Throughout my operation Mr Akrawi and his team have provided 5 star care and my post operative after care by nurses of ward 3c has been nothing short of exceptional. It has been 5 weeks now since my operation and Mr Akrawi continues to monitor my progress and is very pleased with the outcome of the operation. Both my husband and I are very grateful to everyone involved in my operation as had Mr. Akrawi not intervened my quality of life would have been non existent comprising disability and severe pain. Mr Akrawi has followed through on everything he promised. Once again Many thanks. Kindest regards Janet Kevin and Catriona.
