Mr Harshad Dabke was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at New Hall Hospital
18th September 2022

Mr Dabke operated on my back for the first time in January 2019, I had met him before the operation and he explained the problem with my back including what he intended to do and what could go wrong. I found him to be a charming man, calm and caringe. I had every confidence in him. After the operation, he was very informative as to how the operarion went, writing to me and my Doctor, adding that if ever I had further issues with my back, (which shows degeneration) then he would be happy to see me. This was a bonus, as, unfortunately I did have more problems with my back, so with the information from Mr Dabkes' previous letter, I was able to be re referred. This was last year. He did try the injection in my lower back in October, which sadly didn't help. Mr Dabke phoned me to see how I was, and as I was still in pain made an appointment to see me on 23rd December. We discussed having another operation which could involve metal work and also could have high risks with it, Mr Dabke was very informative, kind, calm, and I felt very comfortable with him. I signed for the operation, had an xray, and he said that he would refer my case to his fellow surgeons and let me know, which he did. My back operation was on 18th May this year. with great success.During my 5 day stay at New Hall Hospital, Mr Dabke came to see me without fail, despite his busy scedule, every day, sometimes of an evening. This to me, was so comforting. Hospitals are very busy places, Nurses and carers are fully stretched and at times it can feel a very lonely place, this is just how it is, I understand, it is a difficult situation with low resources. But seeing Mr Dabke, I felt that all was well with his calm, quiet and kind air about him. To me, he is ....amazing. I saw Mr Dabke this week, I am now discharged, he is pleased with me says I am doing well, and again if I should have any problems then he would be happy to see me. He was very kind, calm and listened to me, advising me also of the excersise programme that I'd been given by my NHS physio who had had to cancell my last appointment with her. I have had many operations in my life, so feel that I can speak honestly because of this and Mr Dabke is Number One as far as I'm concerned. Thank you Mr Dabke.

Written by a private patient at New Hall Hospital
16th September 2022

Mr Dabke was always courteous and easy to talk to. He explained fully the spinal procedure I would undergo and the aftercare was carried out with care and attention. Reassurig me that all was improving well and some nerve inflammation would subside I always felt very confident in Mr Dabke’s care.

Written by a NHS patient at Salisbury District Hospital
11th September 2022

Mr Dabke was kind and courteous. He was good at communicating the treatment plan and progress made concisely and coherently, outlining potential problems without resorting to overly gruesome detail. As a result I was guided to find a balance between working on getting back to normal and risking a worse injury through doing too much too soon. I was always seen promptly and was always conscious of being in safe hands.

Written by a NHS patient at New Hall Hospital
14th August 2022

Very happy with my experience at new hall hospital, was made to feel very comfortable and very welcome, the hospital itself is very idyllic, strong old building, unique couldn’t of asked for more. Having tested positive for the old kung flu first time round I wasn’t to happy, but eventually the operation date arrived not to long after. I had a discussion with mr dabke beforehand about my options, and he explained and took me through the operation step by step. I could tell the man oozed experience and came across a very knowledgeable, and composed individual. I was fully aware that I was in a 10-20% bracket of people who’s S1 disc herniation doesn’t heal, as it was elective surgery, there was an element of me feeling as if I was an imposter at the hospital, especially in the run up to the operation, I just couldn’t shrug the pain off after 3 years I was really overthinking everything and at the crossroads of shall I just live with it and not have the operation. Mr dabke was quick to re-assure me I couldn’t of asked to be in better hands. One of the staff members said to me before hand “who is your surgeon” and my reply was “Mr Dabke” too which they replied “he is the best, very gentle” and I must say he lived up too it, I would probably pay to have a conversation with him about spinal care, discs, as all I have been doing for basically 3 years is researching discs, types of herniation spinal care, aftercare you name it, I’m on it! People like mr dabke, how? They do this work day in day out? How much of a composed individual must you be to perform these operations on a daily basis? A steady hand x10? Even days when your not feeling it, he still performs with such care and precision? God has its favourites most definitely, I mean it’s food for thought. The hospital is great, old school, unique didn’t smell like a hospital, it was like a building from ancient Tartaria, the food was sound I had a room with an en-suite which was a big tick, I was on the NHS so I really was blessed I really cannot complain as effectively I was at a private hospital for free. 8 weeks post operation and I am absolutely killing it! And after my follow up on the 12th of August mr dabke tells me I’ll be even better in 3 months, I’ve gone from walking like uncle Albert off only fools and horses for 3 years, now I’m walking like Conor mcgregor and everyone is commenting saying how much better I am! All the pain is gone from my face, no more dropfoot, no more pain when coughing and sneezing! Dont get me wrong I still have slight pain in lower back/buttock but i feel it’s pain that will soon go as I guess the discs itself is still recovering? I am now off all medication which I took recreationally knowing full well it was doing absolutely nothing to shift the pain, all it was doing was making care less about it, thank god I am off those mood and mind altering tablets! Hey ho all in all 10/10 experience so BIG shout out too Mr Harshad Dabke, the man, the ying and the yang! the alpha and the omega! Also BIG shout out too the hospital staff lehenrtha, Katie, Hannah, and anelesiza, please forgive me if I have spelt any names incorrectly. So hopefully I won’t be seeing you all again in the nicest possible way, was re-assured tho if any pain or problems further down the line to get in contact. Great experience overall was in and out efficiently just how I like it! would highly recommend to anyone. Again thank you. Yours sincerely Daniel Marshman.

Written by a NHS patient at Salisbury District Hospital
23rd June 2022

I received excellent care from start to finished Mr Dabke he not only listened he gave me reassurance through out the whole procedure .He is truly a kind and caring man The only negative thing I have I was rather shocked of the procedure of tubes being inserted before operation I had not released and it was uncomfortable but well worth it to be free from pain and loss of feeling.WELL DONE MR DABKE AND TEAM. I can only say the same for all the cleaners, nurses and physio well done


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


I am a Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon working in Salisbury District Hospital, New Hall Hospital and Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre. I also undertake medico-legal work for both, Defendant and Claimant.

My spinal surgical practice includes spinal injections and surgeries including disc surgery, decompression, fusion, disc replacement in cervical spine (neck), decompression of spinal cord, laminaplasty, cement augmentation for vertebral fractures, fixation of spinal fractures etc.

I have been a Trustee and Executive member of the British Association of Spine Surgeons from 2013-18 and served as the Treasurer (2016 to 2018).

• John W. Fielding “Young Researcher Award”, by the Cervical Spine Research Society in 2013.
• Clinical Excellence Awards (2013 and 2015) given by the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust in recognition of “high quality of work, improvements to service provision and research”.