Mr George Spink was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital
28th July 2015

I've suffered chronic pain since 1986 - particularly low back pain. 4 years ago developed pain in lower leg and ankle , GP claimed due to shin splints, prescribing morphine patches, resulting in day-time sedation, life no longer enjoyable! Then saw NHS Pain Management Consultant who said my back was 'buggered', giving me one 'blocking' injection [all local GP Commissioners will fund]. It did not work! Found Mr. Spink on the internet, seeing him privately. He operated on me, both substantially reducing the low back pain, and pain in my leg. When the leg pain returned he referred me to Dr. Maliakia, to perform a nerve root injection, which again substantially reduced the pain. Life is now enjoyable again, and both I and my wife are sleeping better as a result. In my case, well worth the cost.

Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
23rd May 2015

I have been delighted by the way Mr. Spink has handled my case from our very first meeting to the continued treatment I have had and am still to have. He performed a Microdisectomy @ L5/S1 in Dec '14. He made me feel at ease, his utter professionalism inspired myself and my wife and gave me the confidence to deal with it all. Sadly the disc ruptured again in late March '15. Just one of those things. "C'est La Vie". However this is where Mr. Spink excelled. After I requested I be seen through the NHS (swapping from my Private Policy) for the next MRI and outpatient appointment he did not make me feel embarrassed or uncomfortable at all by doing this. In fact the complete opposite. How about this for service? Before I had returned home from my 2nd MRI to Bridlington from Hull Royal, I had received an e-mail from him saying he had already viewed my scans and that he had seen enough to judge the next treatment. In all my time under his care, he has liased with me over e-mail and encouraged I never stay silent if I need to talk. That is the sort of care people in our country forget our Doctors give us. Hats off to you George. Here is to the next 'op'. I don't fear it all now. So, thank you George. I would recommend this delightful man to anyone.

Written by a patient at Castle Hill Hospital
19th May 2015

I broke my neck (c2) in a cycling accident last year and due to the nature of the injury a non-standard 'Harms' procedure was required which came with it's risks given the proximity to my spinal cord. George Spink was totally professional in his care and approach from our very first introduction. He explained clearly what was required, including the potential risks and consequences, and yet despite this then went on to totally re-assure pre and post surgery. He is polite, courteous and gives the patient an opportunity to ask questions which he answers honestly and clearly. He is clearly a surgeon at the fore-front of his field and yet he is modest. My life could have been so very different had it not been for his intervention and for that I'm most grateful.

Written by a patient at Castle Hill Hospital
13th May 2015

Mr spink is a very caring, understanding gentleman who really listens to everything I say.He answers all my questions and concerns with easy to understand language. Ihad a P.L.I.F. operation in 2014. Before the operation he explained, with the aid of diagrams, what he was going to do and why I needed the procedure. On the day of the surgery, i was very nervous but Mr spink greeted me calmly and sensitively. He again explained the procedure explaining all the possibilities of what could go wrong. He was able to convince me that the quality of my life should improve. i can happily say the level of pain is reduced. Since then I have had follow up consultations where he has sent me for Xrays and checked my progress. I still have pain so on my last consultation on 12th May Mr Spink suggested I be referred to the pain clinic. At this consultation there was a physiotherapist present, he has also offered to see me in his clinic. I really cannot thank Mr spink enough! he is such a lovely caring physician who obviously cares about his patients!

Written by a patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
13th April 2015

13 th April 2015 Mr George Spink gave me back my life. Mr Spink is a gentleman .On first meeting he made me feel at ease and listened carefully as I answered his questions. He asked me to explain the history of my injury and gave me as much time as I needed. He explained my injury to me in great detail from my scan results and drew me intricate diagrams and notes of what had happened to my spine ,which I could take home with me to refare to . This made it so much easier for me to understand my situation. Before the oporation he went over his procedure again with me. I was made at ease in the theatre by his team who were all warm ,human and professional. I can not thank them enough for all that was done for me. I have absolute confidence in his work and would recommend him to anyone in need of neuro surgery. I simply can not suggest anything that would have made it a better experience. Mr George Spink made it possible for me to walk again.


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Consultant Neurosurgeon specialising in the full range of degenerative and complex spinal disorders.

Lead Consultant (Neurosurgery) 2012-14
Lead Consultant (Spinal surgery) 2009-2016
Honorary Senior clinical tutor, Hull York Medical school 2012-
Honorary President, Hull York Undergraduate Surgical Society 2012-2019

Twitter: @heyneurosurgeon