Mr Christopher Bailey was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Royal Hampshire County Hospital
29th July 2019

I had been putting off my knee replacement surgery for many years but was encouraged by Mr. Baileys clear explanation of the procedure. Having seen the scan of my knee joint felt I had confidence in him to remedy the situation as he communicates well and inspires confidence in both the procedure and the longer term results. With ongoing aftercare and rehab at the hospital I feel much more confident and am looking forward to an improved stronger and more stable knee. All stages of my treatment were carried out effectively and with good care and attention.

24th July 2019

Inspired confidence from first to last. Explained thoroughly the process involved in my knee replacement and answered any questions to my full satisfaction. My post op progress has been extremely encouraging and I feel well on my way to enjoying a better quality of life.

19th July 2019

Mr Bailey has now fixed both of my knees through High Tibial Osteotemy procedures. Both have been very successful and I am more active now in my forties than I was able to be through most of my thirties after being very sporty in my younger years. I don't suffer pain during of after exercise including high impact sport such as football. I feel Mr Bailey has not just helped with pain relief but completely given me a whole new lease of life. I found Mr Bailey to be very professional and friendly. I always felt fully informed and fully involved in all the decision making with regard to my treatment. All the follow-up meetings have been reassuring and informative. I truly hope that if I ever require more work on my knees in future that Mr Bailey is the person to do it.

19th July 2019

All options clearly explained, not made to feel you’re in hospital, just like having a friendly chat.

11th July 2019

Great confidence and trust in Mr. Bailey. His professionalism extended to listening to and taking seriously my concerns and the clear explanations of all the many options and surgical procedures available. I felt my input was a helpful factor. Knee replacement surgery was a significant aid to my mobility as I had become very wary of my daily environment especially stairs and even uneven paving stones. My life was becoming gradually more restricted and with many limitations. Some weeks after surgery I have new a freedom and a release from pain. I was encouraged by Mr. Bailey to exercise post surgery and all though time consuming, I find these exercises pay off and the results liberating. I have a great deal more freedom in my day to day life which has literally been transformed and allowed me to become something of my old self. I and my family are extremely grateful.


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Mr Bailey is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in Winchester, Hampshire. He works at the Royal Hampshire County, Sarum Road and the Nuffield Health Wessex Hospitals and treats patients with disorders affecting the knee, shoulder and hip.