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Written by a patient
16th September 2019

I was in a bit of a state before Mr Bailey performed partial knee surgery to my right knee. I originally went to my GP with both knees badly swelled in a lot of pain and using a walking stick. I was sent for exrays, my medication for unrelated things was changed to reduce the swelling and I was then refered to Mr Bailey. It was decided by Mr Bailey that my right knee was the worst affected with some arthrits and a partial knee opperation may help. I had the opperation around three months later at Winchester Hospital and was surprised to find that the very next day I felt so much better. I was on pain relief but up and about the next day using crutches but with a feeling that I could manage without them so I put minimum weight on them. I was out of Hospital in four days and stopped using the crutches within a week. I used Paracetamol when required for around three weeks by which time I was walking as normal though with a little post opp pain. I did find going to bed was not good and could only be comfortable on my back and this did cause me some problems though as time went by this gradually got better and by two months I was sleeping as normal. I would say that being uncomfortable in bed was my worst problem but well worth it. The clips (stitches) were taken out after two weeks and I was surprised how easy they came out. I had never had Clips before and was a little worried about having them out but it was fantastic. I bought a cheap exercise bike prior to going into Hospital which I started to use after leaving Hospital and at first could only quarter rotate the pedals but as time went on I was peddling well. After a month I could do half an hour. I was walking the dog within the month and able to jog and walk two to three miles by two and a half months. It is now three months since my opperation and I am fully back to normal. one strange thing that I have noticed is that my left knee which was also playing me up prior to my opp now is of very little discomfort and I am getting on very well with both knees. I do sometimes over do things and when I do my knee lets me know and I calm down for a day or two. Mr Bailey told me this is how it works and that the healing process is ongoing for up to two years. I am 71 years old and felt around 91 prior to my opp but am now getting around like a 50 year old. Thankyou to my GP the NHS & all the staff & nurses at Winchester & to Mr Bailey & his wonderful team.
