Mr Christopher Anderson was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Parkside Hospital
17th January 2018

Mr Anderson has a really very calming approach and provides very clear and easy to understand explanations about your health and the course of action to take. I would highly recommend Mr Anderson and should I ever need to see a Consultant in his area of expertise I would definitely go back to see him. Many thanks for looking after me yesterday.

Written by a patient at The Princess Grace Hospital
16th January 2018

A very knowledgable man, who I felt at ease with. After being told I had kidney cancer and needed my kidney removed, I was in shock, but knew With Chris , I was in the best hands. I went into Princess Grace hospital on my birthday to have the kidney removed and was looked after by everyone there, what fantastic staff, and everyone was really helpful and caring and always smiling which made me feel at ease. I have just had 2 all clears from Chris and what a great feeling, and am so grateful I had such a marvellous doctor who looked after me, Janine who sets all the appointments up also very helpful and felt I could ring her when I needed to.

Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
15th January 2018

From my initial consultation to aftercare, I have enjoyed my relationship with Chris. I am someone who likes straight talking, and Chris always carefully explained any issue I was concerned about. At the ned of each meeting, all my questions were answered, and I understood fully exactly what was going on. He also has an appropriate sense of humour, and to be honest I (almost )enjoyed my meetings with him. After discovering I had prostate cancer (marvellously described as a grain of rice sized cancer in my walnut sized prostate) I elected to 'watchfully wait'. Chis made it clear that something had to be done, but that, whilst keeping an eye on things, I could have some time fully to consider which treatment I would eventually opt for. I decided on a prostatectomy, and was pleased that Chris was an expert on the Da Vinci machine! He did a marvellous job, and much to my relief I had no issue with incontinence - erectile problems are minimal (indeed, how much of that is to do with age, I am unsure), scars disappeared in no time. . . . I have my regular blood tests, the results of which Chris texts me. I could not be more pleased with him. My op was in 2012, my tests are clear, and I am as well as ever.

Written by a patient at Parkside Hospital
14th January 2018

Mr Anderson is friendly and approachable, and clearly expert. He is happy to discuss issues in as much detail as possible if desired, and can clarify complex problems for a concerned patient.

Written by a patient at Parkside Hospital
12th January 2018

A prompt appointment, considered and careful review of symptoms and questions


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Mr Christopher Anderson is a consultant Urological surgeon with a general Urological practise as well as a specialist interest in renal and prostate cancer. In his general Urological practise he manages a wide spectrum of conditions : urinary infections, voiding and bladder problems, enlarged prostates (BPH), haematuria (blood in urine), circumcision, fertility workup, vasectomy / reversal vasectomy and erectile dysfunction. He has particular expertise in minimally invasive robotic and laparoscopic surgical approaches. Mr Anderson completed his undergraduate work at Stellenbosch and his postgraduate training in Cape Town, South Africa, before taking up a substantive consultant post at St George's Healthcare in 1999. He undertook fellowships to Cleveland, the University of Miami and Detroit in the United States before travelling to the University of Leipzig in Germany to further his training in both renal and prostate cancer surgery. Mr Anderson was one of the first to adopt laparoscopic techniques in urology surgery in the UK. In 2004 he introduced laparoscopic renal cryotherapy, also the first operation of its kind in the UK. He continued to develop this technique and has the largest series with long term follow-up in the country. He was an integral member of the team that pioneered robotic surgery in the UK, introducing the robotic surgery programme to St George's Healthcare in July 2008, and has successfully developed the service as lead robotic surgeon.