Mr Chellappah Gnanachandran was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Northampton General Hospital
7th September 2023

Hello, Gnanachandran is an amazing doctor who really put my family and myself at ease throughout my surgery and post surgery, too. Initially, I needed surgery because I had a cyst, which was measuring to 8-12 cm. It was then confirmed that I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, which had spread to other organs. I was very worried about my health and future in terms of fertility and fears about surgery, etc. Gnanachandran reassured me about everything and kept me positive about the surgery. He went into a lot of detail with regards to different ways of getting pregnant, as well as managing my endometriosis. Never once did he make me feel alone or like I wasn't being heard. Also, after the surgery, which went successful, he offered different treatment plans in order to manage my endometriosis. After agreeing to a treatment, my health improved drastically. It has now been 7 months, and I am back to normal, experiencing no pain and also looking forward to a bright future. I liked how Gnanachandran was very empathetic and expressed honesty to me throughout my whole journey. I am very pleased to say that he was my doctor and would highly recommend him to everyone who is going through any issues similar to myself. He is very professional and kind, which goes a long way, especially in such a daunting time for people who are experiencing difficulty!

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
25th July 2023

I met him 4years ago and wish I listened to his advice. 4yrs later I have received exceptional care from him. He is empathetic and really interested in your recovery and well being. Very passionate about his job and his patients well being.

Written by a NHS patient at Northampton General Hospital
14th June 2023

I was very lucky to be treated by Mr Gnanachandran. From my first scan, to the diagnostic surgery, my treatment was very fast paced and I could not fault it. I felt that my anxieties were addressed, so much so that on the day of my surgery I felt comfortable and confident. I believe Mr Gnanachandran has done such a good job, my recovery was faultless and the symptoms I used to experience have decreased massively. I am very thankful, and hope that should I experience any other problems due to my diagnosis of Endometriosis, I am lucky enough to be under the care of Mr Gnanachandran.

Written by a NHS patient at Northampton General Hospital
14th June 2023

Mr Gnanachandran gave great care, was skilful, gentle, and explained everything that was going on. He also went out of his way to be available to help me to to navigate NHS services and formalities.

Written by a NHS patient at Northampton General Hospital
12th June 2023

Mr Gnana has been my consultant for the last 5 years after I was diagnosed with endometriosis. He has performed surgery on me three times and each time I have felt wholly confident and reassured in his ability to provide me with the very best care. After my first operation, I was successful in falling pregnant after three years of infertility due to my endometriosis. In my most recent surgery, a full hysterectomy, Mr Gnana performed complicated surgery via keyhole to also remove endometriosis and I have been left pain free after years of issues. I cannot recommend him enough and thank him everything he has done to improve my life.


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Consultant Gynaecologist MBBS, MRCOG, MSc (ultrasound scan)

Consultation and treatment for fibroids, endometriosis, and early gynaecology cancer.

Mr Gnanachandran is a specialist in gynaecology scanning, laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) treatment for endometriosis, laparoscopic hysterectomy, myomectomy (open and laparoscopic) and Colposcopy for cervical precancers.

Special interest:
Gynaecology scan
Hysteroscopy and laparoscopic surgeries including myomectomy (removal of fibroids) Laparoscopic hysterectomy(key hole removal of womb)

Mr Gnanachandran has special skills and teach gynaecology scanning for fibroids and endometriosis and uterine abnormality( including TVS 3 d scan and HyCoSy)).

Colposcopy- accredited for diagnosis and treatment.

Gynaecology scan (2dTVS, TAS, TVS 3D, HyCoSy)

Laparoscopic surgeries and hysteroscopic procedures.
Gynaecology surgery for pelvic pain, fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriomas, endometriosis, hysterectomy(laparoscopic/open)endometrial ablation and all hysteroscopic surgeries including ablations)

Fertility surgery(eg: Myomectomy, resection of the congenital uterine septum),
Suspected gynaecology cancer patients such as early endometrial cancer

Early pregnancy scan and management of ectopic pregnancy and management of miscarriage.

I do not provide obstetric care (late pregnancy care, ANC and delivery) termination of pregnancy, Urogynaecology (urinary incontinence and prolapses)

Special interest:
Scanning for an ovarian cyst, fibroids,
uterine abnormality including TVS 3 d scan
Endometrial assessment and treatment
Laparoscopic surgery.

Surgery: Hysteroscopic, Laparoscopic and open for fibroids.

Personal profile

Mr Gnanachandran, Consultant Gynaecologist,

Graduated from the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka (2002)

NHS training programme in 2004.

In 2005, he started obstetrics and gynaecology training, working in several hospitals throughout the West Midlands and Wales, completing training in multiple different aspects of gynaecology including ultrasound scan and laparoscopic surgery for patients with subfertility, endometriosis, fibroids and early gynaecology malignancies.

In 2016 he was appointed as a consultant at Northampton General Hospital to develop fertility services and gynaecology rapid access care service provision.

In his current post, he leads fertility, emergency gynaecology services and gynaecology rapid access care (suspected cancer 2ww pathway) dealing with patients suspected of having cancer.

His main interest is to help patients avoid unnecessary interventions and to allow them to access appropriate early surgery when needed.