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Written by a NHS patient
11th August 2022

After a lifetime of playing sports, particularly table tennis and squash, I paid the price by suffering gradual knee deterioration. I had a left knee arthroscopy about twelve years ago but by the end of 2021, something more had to be done. X-rays showed that both knees were worn out. I had meetings with Ben Lankester about full replacements for both knees. I asked whether they could be done at the same time; Ben (I will call him that as it's shorter) said it was unusual for someone my age (81) but he would consider it on the day, I had the left one replaced on the 7th of March. there was not enough time to do both so I had the right one replaced on the 6th of June. At all of the meetings with Ben, he answered my questions and was kind and considerate. The procedures were amazing. A couple of hours after checking in I was taken for surgery. On both occasions I was given an epidural; I did not feel a thing! But it's a strange feeling. Ben asked me to raise my leg. I couldn't! No feeling at all. They put up a screen so that I would not be able to see anything; that was fine with me. I had taken a portable CD player and listened to music. Each knee took about ninety minutes. I was then taken for tea and biscuits in the Recovery Room and after half an hour, back to the ward. As the anaesthetic wore off I was given pain killers; they were perfectly effective but when I returned home I learned that it was better to take them regularly rather than to wait until things became uncomfortable. After about a month I had no further need of them. Before the first op Ben asked me if I would like a catheter. Being a sporty he-man I declined! I regretted that by five o'clock the next morning; the nurse kindly did the necessary and Oh, the relief! That is something I would recommend others to carefully consider. Strangely I had no problem peeing after the second op. Mr Lankester (proper title) and all the staff in the orthopaedic unit were fantastic. I cannot rate them highly enough - particularly now that after the two ops, six months and three months ago, my legs are straight and working beautifully. My grateful thanks to Mr Lankester, all the staff - and our brilliant NHS. Ken Mathews
