
Written by a private patient at Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre
13th August 2022

It is true to say that without Mr Jenkinson I wouldn't be where I am now - I am just 6 weeks out from a total gastrectomy (performed by Mr Jenkinson's colleague Prof Mughal), and doing so well I would never have thought this possible. I am a complicated case with a recent history of several abdominal surgeries, and when I just wasn't getting better I was referred by a previous surgeon to Mr Jenkinson for his high level of skill in this area and his ability to take on more complicated cases. After suffering for years and seeing so many different medical professionals, it was Mr Jenkinson who was able to diagnose me. He quickly arranged some treatment then tests, and his diagnosis was confirmed, a gastrectomy was the only way forward. I am so grateful to have met him and I can't express my thanks adequately enough; without his diagnosis and the subsequent surgery, I would be in real trouble now. Yet thanks to him I am now starting a new life and am already starting to do and plan things I haven't been able to do for a long time. He is truly a most excellent surgeon. Thankyou Andrew for everything.


Specialises in

  • General surgery


Mr Andrew Jenkinson is a highly skilled consultant surgeon bringing 20 years of expertise and experience to Cleveland Clinic London. He specialises in surgery for obesity, type 2 diabetes, hernias, gallstones, acid reflux, achalasia and abdominal emergencies. He completed his research thesis in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and oesophageal and gastric function at The Royal London Hospital and has subsequently published over 100 peer reviewed scientific articles in his areas of surgical interest. He has been involved in training surgeons in the U.K., Europe, U.S. and the Middle East. He continues his NHS work, and research, at University College London Hospital. Mr Jenkinson is hugely respected by his peers and patients for his work in explaining obesity and how our weight is regulated. He published the popular science book 'Why We Eat (Too Much) - The New Science of Appetite' in 2020. The book has become a Sunday Times and Amazon Bestseller. He is the Clinical Lead for Bariatric Surgery at Cleveland Clinic London.