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Written by a patient
16th January 2019

I have extensive foot and toe deformity due to arthritis. I was referred to Mr. Ajis regarding my left foot problems, including needing the amputation of the 2nd toe, shaving the 'heads of the metatarsals underfoot' and hugely misshapen large toe that meant there was a huge 'bunion' type lump at the side of my foot. Mr. Ajis explained everything during the consultation and was professional, friendly and explained things using simple language. The foot surgery was undertaken on 8th October 2018. I was amazed at how little post op pain I suffered and also incredulous at being able to partial weight bear almost straightaway. The healing has been quite rapid and much less traumatic than I had expected. I have seen Mr. Ajis this morning for a follow up. We both studied the before and after x-rays and it does not look like the same foot! The improvement is immense and more than I could have hoped for. Before I had huge difficulty in finding shoes/footwear to accommodate my deformed foot and even then was in a lot of pain. My foot now looks much more 'normal' and less painful in shoes. I can also now do my own footcare - nail trim etc. without the need for professional help. I cannot praise and thank this surgeon enough. He is an absolute credit to the NHS and a miracle worker in his surgical skills. Thank you very much.
