Mr Abhiram Sharma was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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27th March 2017

Open body language, excellent listening skills. Very professional throughout. Operation procedure and choices (keyhole or open) carefully explained and discussed. On all meetings gave time for and encouraged patient questions and concerns. Discharge appointment thorough; leaving me in doubt that I should contact him should there be future concerns. Overall a very positive experience and he was professional throughout. I would certainly recommend this consultant.

24th March 2017

I felt he waved a magic wand over my concerns and anxieties regarding a colonoscopy and endoscopy. He gave me adequate sedation for me to undertake the procedure. I would not hesitate in recommending this Doctor to anyone.

14th March 2017

I met Dr Sharma unfortunately when I required major surgery to remove a tutor obstructing my bowel. From the first moment of meeting him he put my mind at rest, giving me the options available and his recommendation, which proved to be totally correct. During the recovery in hospital he was in contact all the time, visiting me at every oppportunity and after discharge at hand for any worries that I had. On follow up-consultations he explained exactly the process that had been carried out and the results from the pathology report in detail, never making you feel rushed and totally at ease. I cannot thank Dr Sharma enough for his expertise in surgery and his bedside manner, he is truly a remarkable surgeon.

Written by a patient at Wythenshawe Hospital
18th February 2017

Mr Sharma was an excellent surgeon and without his care, compassion, dedication and expertise I am sure the outcome of my surgery would have been very different. He carried out a long and complex operation that many would not have attempted and I will always be extremely grateful. I underwent complex surgery for bowel cancer and was almost sure to have a stoma, Mr Sharma with his skill was able to make this option obsolete. As a result I have recovered well and have no on going issues to deal with. From initial diagnosis through to after care my experience has been very positive and my recovery to date has gone extremely well. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mr Sharma as an excellent surgeon and shall always be grateful to him.

Written by a patient at Wythenshawe Hospital
2nd February 2017

He performed a difficult operation with great skill, laparoscopically.. You gave clear information regarding the diagnosis and appropriate treatment. He was very attentive during the post-operative period. He was very helpful during follow-up consultations.


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General and Colorectal Surgeon
special interest in minimally invasive surgery including laparoscopic surgery and TEMS/TAMIS
pelvic floor surgery
IBD surgery including ileoanal pouch
open and laparoscopic hernia surgery
laparoscopic cholecystectomy