Miss Rekha Wuntakal was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Queen's Hospital
7th June 2016

Miss Wuntakal gave my Mother, Joyce Perry the best possible care and attention during her recent full hysterectomy (at 82!) .Due to her heart and kidney problems, she made sure that the operation was done quickly and efficiently. She is such a caring person and that shows with her people skills and attention to detail. She also made the effort to call into my Mums biopsy results appointment in the clinic early on a Sunday morning too. Thankfully the tumour was benign and Mum has now been discharged from the Queens Hospital. I have to say the service we received by Miss Wuntakal and all the staff in the ward was second to none and would like to say a big thank-you to you all!

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
7th June 2016

I have had nothing but positive experiences with Dr Wuntakal during and after my operation. Miss Rekha Wuntakal is a one in a million doctor who works with dedication and compassion. She gives you her quality time to sit down and go through any worries or questions you have (no matter how long the list is ! ). She also gives great advice and tips on how to look after yourself , likewise she is very organised and committed when it comes to arranging appointments and likes to stay one step ahead and discuss what the next steps are in any treatment. Overall, I would definitely recommend Miss Rekha Wuntakal to everyone as you would be in great hands and you would be receiving outstanding care. I would like to say that I received the most exceptional care from Dr Wuntakal and I can't thank her enough for what she has done for me. Simranjeet Kaur

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
6th June 2016

Miss Wuntakal took the time to explain the test results clearly and in a way that was easy to understand. She actively made arrangements for follow up appointments for me into the next year and clearly explained what the next steps in my treatment are. She was very friendly, approachable and re assuring.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
5th June 2016

The doctor was very nice and polite and made me fill at ease.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
5th June 2016

Excellent care. I am very happy with the care. I recommend Dr Wuntakal for other patients.


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Specialises in

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Nearest Obstetricians and gynaecologists